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Important Rules, Format, and Links

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2020 10:02 pm
by etherial
Rules Document
Any large edits will be remarked in here as an edit by the person who did so. This will most likely be done by our Rules Head: dougansf.

Date: Change

Upcoming Games Calendar

Roll20 Table

Requesting an adventure

Applying to an adventure
Apply in the appropriate LFG thread.
The thread poster will choose the players from those who post into the thread. Adventures will generally have four players but may have more if the scenario requires it or at GM's discretion. In the event that the game oversubscribes, the player who collaborated with the GM to create the Rumor will decide who goes. If the GM created the Adventure whole cloth, whichever player has not played in the longest time will make the decision.

Use this format:

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] Character name
[b]Date of Last Game Played by player:[/b]
[b]Circle:[/b] Circle of your character
[b]Discipline:[/b] Your character's Discipline(s)
[b]Unique:[/b] What your character is bringing to the table.
[b]Downtime:[/b] Talents and Skills that other characters can use over downtime: [Talent] [Step including +Karma Step if appropriate] ([Rank]) ([Further Details])
Looking for group post format
Title should be in this format

Code: Select all

LFG: [Circle][Difficulty][Event?] Adventure Name (YYYY-MM-DD@HH:MM GMT)
Time Should be in 24-hour GMT. An easy tool to use for this is this website GMT CONVERTER

The post should look like this

Code: Select all

LFG: Adventure Name
GM: The FASA/Discord Username(s) of the GM
Questgiver: The PC who requested the Adventure. Otherwise, N/A.
Circle: The Circle of the Adventure. Characters of that Circle +2/-1 may join.
Difficulty: The difficulty as previously discussed: Easy, Medium, or Hard

Rumor: What the rumor you are following is and any other relevant information.
AAR Format
An AAR is an after action report used by GMs to mark down who went on an adventure and what the rewards were and any necessary information that resulted from the adventure. AARs are posted as comments to the adventure thread following the signups. The poster (or etherial if they are unavailable) should change the titles of the Rumor (if any) and LFG post to reflect the adventure's having been run.

Code: Select all

[u]Name of Mission[/u]
GM: The FASA/Discord Username(s) of the GM
Circle: The Circle of the Adventure.
Difficulty: The difficulty as previously discussed: Easy, Medium, or Hard

[b][i]Player Rewards:[/i][/b]
Character Name: TIPs, Legend, Silver, Items

[b][i]Journal Rewards:[/i][/b]

[b][i]GM Reward:[/i][/b]

[b][i]Downtime Actions Available:[/i][/b]
Character Name: [Talent] [Step] ([Rank]) ([Further Details])
[i]Researchers may spend 20 Silver for +3 Steps (the Haggle discount may lower this cost)[/i]

[b][i]Further Information:[/i][/b]
Anything else that needs to be mentioned, such as PC/NPC Deaths, locations discovered, Hexes explored, etc.
Timeline of our adventures so far
For the purposes of tracking time we will be using 1 real life week = 1 month in Barsaive. Downtime is still a 2 days=1 week basis.

Link to the Throalic Calender- ... c-calendar
GM list/Availability
Availability will be posted by the GM below in a reply to this thread.

Re: Important Rules, Format, and Links

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 3:04 pm
by Aegharan
GM Aeggy availability:

Starting time between 6.30 pm and 8pm GMT. Possibly slightly later on weekends.

Hooray for European Timezones :-)

Re: Important Rules, Format, and Links

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 1:41 am
by Shokunin
GM Shokunin availability:

Friday - Sunday
The later the hour the free-er I am
I am flexible, but I do work 60+ hours a week so pleaz no bulliĀ 

Located in Mountain Time zone

Re: Important Rules, Format, and Links

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:57 pm
by bronzemountain
GM Dvarim/bronzemountain availability:

Tuesday - Sunday (potentially)

Eastern time

Re: Important Rules, Format, and Links

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:02 pm
by ChrisDDickey
GM Chris D Availability.
Varies, but most likely to run a game weekend afternoons (USA), But often very open to running non-standard time slots such as European or Asian.

He is in Asian time zone, GMT + 8.

Re: Important Rules, Format, and Links

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 6:43 pm
by BrandenV
GM Branden Availability
Every weekday except for Fridays after 5pm est.
Saturday and Sunday all day.

Note: Will only run Hard adventures. I am much more likely to respond to a message on discord about rumors than I am to pull one from the forums so please do reach out.

Re: Important Rules, Format, and Links

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:21 pm
by Reyntrannin
GM Reyn Availability

Infrequently for now due to RL issues, but I can try to fit runs in Weekdays starting between 10PM and 12 PM GMT
Weekends are also an option.

in Central Time zone

Re: Important Rules, Format, and Links

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 9:00 pm
by etherial
GM etherial availability

Intermittently available on weekends or evenings GMT.

Re: Important Rules, Format, and Links

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 7:43 pm
by iceface9
GM Iceface99 Availability

Saturday nights
Tuesday-Friday's evenings to nights

I'm in CST

Re: Important Rules, Format, and Links

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:37 am
by Icarus-Wolfswift
Hinroe (Icarus Wolf-Swift) Availability

Monday through Thursday only free after 5pm Mountain Time

Friday Free after 12pm Mountain Time

Saturday and Sunday Free all day

Live In Mountain Time Zone, Catch me in the rocky's.