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Re: AAR [2M]: Tail on the Fence @ 2022-01-18 @ 2359 GMT

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 1:45 am
by marcrobitschek
A simple journal from Kalandar a thief from Thrall.
Again I was contacted by word on the street. A lady was needed some adventures in need to collect a lost soul, who had gone missing. I put out word and gather some more adventures. This included Vargo a weaponsmith good for working on weapons, Melcar, Teyo, and new comer Carrock Baccus. The lady ask me to meet her at the ghost pepper. When I got there it was quieter then usual, but the rich can do some amazing things. The lady named Dellaty had a missing courier names Daht Ood a dwarf with a half of a mustache. Who was supposed to sell a rare red copper Ingot. I believe was from another mission we had done. After some of our adventure pals, had their fill of drink we meet the next morning and started to look for the courier.

We broke into two teams to cover more territory. I went with one group to talk to the other people working in the service area. The word we were getting was the currier was not the best and was probably lost the ingot and was somewhere else. After the other group went through both weapons and curios. We talk to the guards they all had a laugh when we said his name, they said they saw him a week ago leaving the city going north. We pack qhat we needed and headed out passing through Barter town and heading north to Sansopa. I have not been to the city, but know that I have been thrall is lot more organized.

We did not have that much traffic either way and we got there with ease. When we got to the front gates there was a line but they were not really checking in alot of people we ask about Dahjt they remembered seeing him but he had not left the city so we were hoping he was still here. After talking to some people from my side of town the fence named Fai-Ard who was supposed to be a good fence. I do wonder usually I would have found a contact and introduce myself, but did not have the time. I went with Teyo and Valoric to see the fence, the fence was talking to two guards who had no intention on doing anything, but were doing the best to show they tried. The fence had not only gotten the ingot, but had it stolen the day after. The lock was pretty banged up so it looked not professional, should have been a clue it was a set up. We were given a lawyer name of Grott Rutman I should have known better, but I am still learning. The lawyer really had no clue, so we went to the inn. Again, a clue that this was a trap, why we did not ask for a meeting with the guild I keep kicking myself for.

The others had try to get a room and ask about the courier. The fence gave us a lawyer named Groy Rutman a dwarf. I have been to lawyer office and he was not as stout as I have seen. He did give us the name of the three groups the thief's guild, the warers in the docks ands the shipwright. As we were traveling top the warrens area, one of our group spotted a cloaked man watching us, but our windling could not catch him. As I am now wondering if relying on my awareness and not my perception is wareing me thin. Also, I need to gather more on my streetwise skill as I was totally blew this as a thief. After we talk to the warers. Which are really just a organization selling houses low grade hoses. They did not really have much information other then hew came through and left. The others who were watching out side saw some guides taking boxes from one house to another. It turns out to be just food stuff.

As we headed to the ship wright we got to the docks only two groups were working a bunch of dwarves and a group of tskrang. The dwarves' were working on a boat looking over the plans. The tskrang were working on their nets. The dwarves were trying to find a better way to make the boat quicker. After leaving the dock we were ambushed unsuccessfully by some thugs not very bright and a archer. The fight was short lived but we did get a little beat up. One of the thugs escape, but we tried to throw a brick. Not my style, but it is his. We got one to talk and he said the fence name so we went back the the store.
As all safe house it was stripped and when we got in every thing was gone, and I can see it all playing in my mind we were set up. We did find the courier tied up in the basement. There were some healing aid also left downstairs. I am still trying to find out why they left them maybe a calling card... The courier was smart he had not brought the ingot into town. He had tried to sell but was captured. We stayed the night, but next morning we left town. As a good man hew led us to the ingot, I was surprised we were not followed and attacked. We did get back to thrall with no attacks. The courier tried to get away, but wanted to get back to his mistress. She was not happy that he lead us to her, but she did pay and we got to keep some healing herbs or sell them. As I have been to another city I will stay in Thrall its a lot safer and more organized.

Re: AAR [2M]: Tail on the Fence @ 2022-01-18 @ 2359 GMT

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 7:09 pm
by Magnaric
Valoric's Adventure Journal: Tail on the Fence

Liars. Liars and thieves.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to be dealing with the less-trustworthy dregs of society. You grow up without your own silverware, you get used to them. But this whole thing was almost a wash from the start. I should have known, should have listened to my stomach. But that's what I get for ignoring clear signs that the universe didn't favour us.

Word was that some local mafiozi had a job outside of Throal. Didn't know much about it, but Kalandar was the contact on this one, and I'd worked with him before when we dealt with the clay pits and that whole Spirit situation. Good lad. I met in The Ghost Pepper again, and there were a number of other Adepts here. Introductions were made for those who needed it, and I saw the familiar faces of Vargo and Melcar, as well as a Swordmaster named Teyo. The latecomer to our party was a new face as well, an Orc by the name of Carrock Baccus. I ordered my traditional 2 tankards of Hurlg, and this was the first sign this job might not go well. Something about the drinks didn't sit well from the start, and both myself and Carrock couldn't hold it down. Always trust your stomach, my Baba used to say. If it doesn't feel right, then something is wrong. Listen to it.

Soon after the lady with the job arrived, a Dwarf woman who carried herself like she came up from a rough past, and was enjoying the level she had risen to. Power to her, very few get anywhere without getting their hands dirty. The job was simple enough. She had a courier, a rather...distinct Dwarf named Daht Ood, who was supposed to find a buyer for a particular item and then return with the money. This simple task apparently proved too difficult, as he had vanished with the item some time ago. The item was a Copper Ingot that had a reddish hue, might even be magical in some way.

Once pay was settled on, we set out and immediately split up to check out the various districts in The Great Bazaar that he might have tried to sell to. Lots of potentials, but no hits. Once we rejoined the other Adepts, we all learned that this Daht Ood was apparently known as a disreputable and untrustworthy one though, and it was unlikely that anyone here would willingly deal with him. That was sign number 2 that this was going to end poorly. Baba's words were ringing more true with each hour.

Some of the others had more luck with the guards at the Gates of Throal, who remembered the courier. Rumour had it he may have headed northwest to Sosanopa, a town on the rover known for its flavourful character and a number of shady business prospects. We made the journey quickly, and luck seemed with us, as even the lazy, overpaid guards here remembered out quarry. Venturing into the town, we once again split out time, with some going to secure lodgings for the night, and myself and Teyo finding a local Fence who seemed a likely buyer. The Fence, a man named Fai-ard, said he had agreed to buy the ingot, but had just experienced a break-in that night. Signs didn't point to professional thieves, but the ingot and a number of healing poultices and medicines were taken.

Back at the inn, I guess Daht Ood had been making a lot of noise to whoever would listen that he had something valuable to sell, which meant that anyone with ears could have stolen it. Truly, it's a wonder the courier survived this long. We spoke with a number of individuals chasing leads, including a lawyer who dealt with some of the more shady types, to dockworkers, warehouse managers, and even a group of Dwarves working on some nautical engineering feat on a riverboat. In the end, I guess shaking too many branches made someone pay attention, we we were jumped by a bunch of cloaked figured in the Warehouse District. Finally, a chance to loosen some tongues the easy way.

The fight was a messy, drawn-out, chaotic brawl in the dark alleys, with Carrock trading shots from her bow atop a roof with another archer some way distant. This was the first bit of fun I've had all week. Nothing like a good throwdown to put some fire in your veins again. Once it was done, we spoke with a survivor, who told us the entire thing had been orchestrated by Fai-ard, that thrice-cursed Fence we spoke with earlier. The "theft" and break-in were all his doing, as was the abduction of the courier. If I catch up to this kobylyacha sraka, we're going to have some words.

After this, there isn't much to say. We found Daht Ood tied up and gagged in the basement of the Fence's shop, along with the healing items that had been "stolen". Turns out he wasn't a complete idiot, as he buried the ingot outside town so it couldn't be stolen from him. He's still a moron for bringing this trouble on himself though. We rested for one night, then we, plus Daht Ood and the collected ingot, returned on the main road to Throal. The lady Delaty was none too pleased that her man led us right to her own doorstep, but anything he gets is between him and his boss. For our part, we got our payment, and she even offered to sell us the healing items at a sharp discount. Delaty seems like a good person to know, and I'll see if I can get closer to her in the future.

So it all turned out okay. But still, the whole story here is ALWAYS trust your gut. If your stomach is off, for fuck's sake listen to it.