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William Carver Human Scout 12, Thief 9, Journeyman 5, Cavalier 8

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 8:52 pm
by Montaugh
Roll20 Name: Montaugh
Discord ID: Montaugh(#3578)
Character Name: William Carver
Race: Human

Lifetime Legend Total:]2,604,550 Current total LP
Unspent Legend: 625

Thread Item Points Lifetime Total: 181
Thread Item Points Pending Spent: 10
Thread Item point spent: 18, 16, 16, 16, 16,16
Thread Item Points spent in upgrades: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Thread Item Points current total: 23
Silver: 8324.7 Silver Total Currently

Discipline: Scout
Circle: 12

Discipline Abilities
Free Talent: Navigation (12)

Half-Magic: A Scout may use
half-magic to recognize tracks and
trails left by different types of animals
and Namegivers, know about the plants
and creatures native to a region, even general
information on the different cultures
across Barsaive.

Circle 1: Karma: The Adept can spent karma on any test to find something.
Circle 2: Defense: +1 Physical Defense
Circle 3: Karma: Karma can be spent on Initiative Tests
Circle 4: Defense: +1 Mystic Defense
Circle 5: Karma: Karma can be spent on recovery tests
Enhanced Senses: For 1 Strain, the adept enhances one of his natural senses
as a Simple action and gains a +2 bonus to Perception tests based on the sense for 1
round. If that sense is unhindered, you may ignore Blindness penalties by using your
enhanced sense as your primary sense.
Circle 6: Defense: +2 Physical Defense
Circle 7: Initiative: The adept adds +1 Step to his Initiative.
Circle 8: Defense: The adept adds +3 to his Physical Defense.
Circle 9: Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on any test made to escape detection.
Supernal Awareness: The adept performs an eight-hour ritual to
heighten their senses to supernatural levels. Each adept’s ritual is unique,
often based on their training and personal philosophy. Some forge a deep
connection with nature, losing a bit of themselves in the process, while others
may commune with the spirit—literal or metaphorical—of a city. The ritual is
often performed as the last step of becoming a Warden, but may be done at any
time. After the ritual, the adept takes 1 Blood Magic damage and permanently
adds +3 to their Perception value.
Circle 10: Defense: The adept adds +2 to their Mystic Defense.
Recovery: The adept gains an additional Recovery test per day.
Circle 11: Defense: The adept adds +1 to their Social Defense.
Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on Attack tests made against
opponents who have not yet attacked the adept in that encounter.
Circle 12: Defense: The adept adds +4 to their Physical Defense.
Initiative: The adept adds +2 to their base Initiative Step.

Discipline: Thief
Discipline Abilities:
First Circle: Free Talent Danger Sense 9

Half Magic Thief: Thieves may use
half-magic to build or bypass security
measures intended to prevent theft,
and to recognize different types of
locking mechanisms.

Circle 1: Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on any
Charisma-based test when the adept is attempting to deceive
a target.
Circle 2: Defense: The adept adds +1 to his Physical Defense. (scout 2)
Circle 3: Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on Initiative tests. (Scout 3)
Circle 4: Defense: The adept adds +1 to his Social Defense.
Circle 5: Shadowcloak: For 2 Strain, the Difficulty Number for any tests made to detect
the adept are increased by +2 for a number of minutes equal to the adept’s Thief
Weaving Rank. This is a Simple Action.
Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on Attack tests against a Surprised
or Blindsided opponent.
Circle 6: Defense: The adept adds +2 to his Physical Defense. (Scout 6)
Circle 7: Initiative: The adept adds +1 Step to his Initiative. (Scout 3)
Circle 8: The adept adds +3 to his Physical Defense. (Scout 8)
Circle 9: Shadow Sight: The adept no longer suffers any penalties due to visibility.
This includes spells and other effects that impose these penalties, like Ethereal
Darkness. In addition, the adept’s Shadowcloak grants them greater insight
into the dark. While Shadowcloak is active, the adept adds a +3 bonus to
Awareness when darkness penalties would normally apply. This ability does
not affect penalties brought about by blindness.
Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on Recovery tests.

Path: Journeyman
Rank 5
Path Abilities:
Rank 1: Speak Languages (3)
Rank 2: Emotion Song (6)
Rank 3: Cold Purify (6)
Rank 4: Inspire Others (8)
Rank 5: Morphism (7)

Discipline: Cavalier
Circle: 7
Discipline Abilities:
Circle 2: +1 Physical Defense (Scout Circle 1)
Circle 3: Karma on Recovery Tests ( Scout Circle 5)
Circle 4: +1 Social Defense (Thief Circle 4)
Circle 5: One Soul, Two Bodies: The adept gains a +2 bonus to any beast ability involving their bound mount.
Karma: The adept may spend a Karma Point on Damage tests made while mounted.
Circle 6: +2 Physical Defense (Scout 6, Thief 6)
Circle 7: +1 Recovery Test per day (Scout 10)
Circle 8: Defense: The adept adds +3 to their Physical Defense

Removed Cavalryman Circle Abilities

Discipline: Cavalryman
Circle: 7
Discipline Abilities:

Half Magic Cavalryman: Cavalrymen may use half-magic for knowledge of different types of
mounts used by the Namegiver races, upkeep of riding gear, animal husbandry and
first aid, and knowledge of significant cavalry units in Barsaive.

Circle 5 Ability of Cavalryman
One Soul, Two Bodies: The adept gains a +2 bonus to any non-combat test involving
his connection to his favored mount. For example, Animal Bond, Animal Training,
and Blood Share would get the bonus, but Trick Riding in combat would not.

Defense: +
+1 Physical Defense (already gotten)
+1 social Defense (no applicable Thief already has)
+2 Physical Defense (Already has from scout)

Karma can be spent on charge attacks
Karma can be spent on any damage test while mounted
Dex: 15 (6) Increased to 16 (7)
Str: 13 (6) Increased to 15 (+2 Str from Shepard's Strength)
Tou: 14 (6)
Per: 15 (6) Increased to 16 (7) Increased to 17 (7) (Increased to 19 +2 Peili) (+3 Perception from Supernal Awareness) (22)
Wil: 13 (6)
Cha: 10 (5)

Karma Mod: 5
Karma Step: 4 (d6)
Karma Max: 10

Uncon: 47
Death: 58

PD: 9 (10) with buckler or scout bonus (11) with Scout Bonus and buckler.
PA: 13 Peili (Blood Pebble Armor (5 base) Forged with 7 PA, +1 PA Peili (+8 PA total) )
MD: 9 (10) with Scout bonus.
MA: 7 Peili (Blood Pebble Armor 3 Base, 2 Will, +2 Peili)
SD: 6

Movement: 12 (13 with sprint)
Carrying Capacity: 125
Wound Threshold: 9
Recovery tests per day: 3

Scout Talents
Novice (1) Scout Discipline Talent: Climbing (12)
Novice (1) Scout Discipline Talent: Scout Weaving (12)
Novice (1) Scout Discipline Talent: Tracking (12)
Novice (1) Scout Discipline Talent: Wilderness Survival (12)
Novice (1) Scout Discipline Talent: Awareness (12)

Novice (2) Scout Discipline Talent: Stealthy Stride (12)
Novice (3) Scout Discipline Talent: Mystic Pursuit (12)
Novice (4) Scout Discipline Talent: Danger Sense (12)

Novice (1) Scout Talent Option: Creature Analysis (12)
Novice (2) Scout Talent Option: Missile Weapons (12)
Novice (3) Scout Talent Option: Avoid Blow (12)
Novice (4) Scout Talent Option: Great Leap (12)

Journeyman (5) Scout Discipline Talent: Evidence Analysis (3)
Journeyman (6) Scout Discipline Talent: Astral Sight (5)
Journeyman (7) Scout Discipline Talent: Safe Path (12)
Journeyman (8) Scout Discipline Talent: Orbiting Spy (9)

Journeyman (5) Scout Talent Option: Spirit Mount (2) (was Animal Bond 7)
Journeyman (6) Scout Talent Option: Borrow Sense (7)
Journeyman (7) Scout Talent Option: Spot Armor Flaw (12)
Journeyman (8) Scout Talent Option: Open Slot Placeholder

Warden (9) Scout Discipline Talent: Eagle Eye (10)
Warden (10) Scout Discipline Talent: Chameleon (11)
Warden (11) Scout Discipline Talent: Echolocation (12)
Warden (12) Scout Discipline Talent: Bloodhound Form (13)

Warden (9) Scout Talent Option: Iron Constitution (10)
Warden (10) Scout Talent Option: Open
Warden (11) Scout Talent Options: Open
Warden (12) Scout Talent Option: Open

Thief Talents
((Thief Talents Cost as Journeyman Talents))
Novice (1) Thief Discipline Talent: Pick Pocket (1)
Novice (1) Thief Discipline Talent: Lock Picking (9)
Novice (1) Thief Discipline Talent: Thief Weaving (9)
Novice (1) Scout/Thief Discipline Talent: Awareness (12)
Novice (1) Scout/Thief Discipline Talent: Stealthy Stride (12)

Novice (2) Thief Discipline Talent: Disable Traps (9)
Novice (3) Thief Discipline Talent: Haggle (9)
Novice (4) Thief Discipline Talent: Conceal Object (0)

Novice (1) Thief talent option: Surprise Strike (9)
Novice (2) Thief Talent Option: First Impression (4) (was Melee Weapons 7)
Novice (3) Thief Talent Option: Sprint (9)
Novice (4) Thief Talent Option: Taunt (9)

Journeyman (5) Thief Discipline Talent: Engaging Banter (0)
Journeyman (6) Thief Discipline Talent: Slough Blame (0)
Journeyman (7) Thief Discipline Talent: Fast Hand (0)
Journeyman (8) Thief Discipline Talent: False Sight (9)

Journeyman (5) Thief Talent Option: Graceful Exit (6)
Journeyman (6) Thief Talent Option: Mimic Voice (9)
Journeyman (7) Thief Talent Option: Disguise Self (9)
Journeyman (8) Thief Talent Option: Open

Warden (9) Thief Discipline Talent: Power Mask (0)

Warden (9) Thief Talent Option: Perfect Focus (8)

Scout and Thief Shared Talents
Novice (1) Thief/Scout Discipline Talents: Awareness (12) Paid for as Scout
Novice (1) Thief /Novice(2) Scout Discipline Talent: Stealthy Stride (12) Paid for as Scout

Novice (1) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Animal Bond (8)
Novice (1) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Cavalry Charge (8)
Novice (1) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Melee Weapons (8)
Novice (1) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Mount Weaving (1)
Novice (1) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Riding (8)

Novice (2) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Animal Training (8)
Novice (3) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Enhance Animal Companion (8)
Novice (4) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Battle Cry (8)

Novice (1) Cavalier Talent Option: Call Animal Companion (8)
Novice (2) Cavalier Talent Option: open
Novice (3) Cavalier Talent Option: open
Novice (4) Cavalier Talent Option: open

Journeyman (5) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Armor Mount (8)
Journeyman (6) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Fearsome Assault (8)
Journeyman (7) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Wheeling Attack (8)
Journeyman (8) Cavalier Discipline Talent: Lightning Charge (9)

Journeyman (5) Cavalier Talent Option: Animal Companion Durability (9)
Journeyman (6) Cavalier Talent Option: Open
Journeyman (7) Cavalier Talent Option: Open
Journeyman (8) Cavalier Talent Option: Open

Removed Cavalryman Talents
Cavalryman Talents
((Cavalryman Talents Cost as Warden Talents))
Novice (1) Cavalryman Discipline Talent: Animal Bond (8)
Novice (1) Cavalryman Discipline Talent: Charge (8)
Novice (1) Cavalryman Discipline Talent: Melee Weapon (8)
Novice (1) Cavalryman Discipline Talent: Rider Weaving (1)
Novice (1) Cavalryman Discipline Talent: Trick Riding (8)

Novice (2) Cavalryman Discipline Talent: Animal Training (7)
Novice (3) Cavalryman Discipline Talent: Enhance Animal Companion (5)
Novice (4) Cavalryman Discipline Talent: Call Animal Companion (0) Placeholder

Novice (1) Cavalryman Discipline Talent Option: Sure Mount (7)
Novice (2) Cavalryman Discipline Talent Option: Open
Novice (3) Cavalryman Discipline Talent Option: Open
Novice (4) Cavalryman Discipline Talent Option: Blood Share (7)

Journeyman (5) Cavalryman Discipline Talent: Armor Mount (7)
Journeyman (6) Cavalryman Discipline Talent: Wheeling Attack (7)
Journeyman (7) Cavalryman Discipline Talent: Wheeling Defense (0)

Journeyman (5) Cavalryman Talent Option: Animal Companion Durability (9)
Journeyman (6) Cavalryman Talent Option: Open
Journeyman (7) Cavalryman Talent Option: Fearsome Charge (6)
Other Talents
Racial Talent: Versatility (10)
Versatility Talent: (1) : Forge Weapon (9) (J)
Versatility Talent (2) : True Shot (5) (J)
Versatility Talent (3): Item History (10) (J)
Versatility Talent (4): Research (10) (J)
Versatility Talent: (5): Waterfall Slam (4) (J)
Versatility Talent: (6): Wood Skin (9) (J)
Versatility Talent (7): Burning Vigor (6) (M)
Versatility Talent (8): Earth Skin (7) (W)

Novice Journeyman Talent: Speak Languages (5) (Spoken Languages 1: Elvish--2: Theran 3: T'srang 4: Open 5: Open)
Novice Journeyman Talent: Emotion Song (6)
Journeyman Journeymen Talent: Cold Purify (7)
Journeyman Journeyman Talent: Inspire Others (8)
Journeyman: Master Talent: Morphism (7)

Talent Knacks
Talent Knack: Mapmaking (Navigation)
Talent Knack: One Eye Opened (Borrow Sense)
Talent Knack: Heal Animal Companion (Animal Bond)
Talent Knack: Detect Elements (scout weaving)
Talent Knack: Applied Versatility (Versatility)
Talent Knack: Sworn Animal Companion (Cavalryman Free, can be taken multiple times)
Talent Knack: Melee Weapon Rank 7: Overpower
Talent Knack: Emotion Song (accompaniment)
Talent Knack: Emotion Song Telling the Tale.
Talent Knack: Adaptive Form (rank 4 morphism)
Talent Knack: Versatile Form (Rank 5 Morphism)
Talent Knack: Quick Shift (Rank 6 Morphism)
Talent Knack: Wastelander (Wilderness Survival)
Talent Knack: Hidden Allies
Talent Knack: Practiced Versatility
Talent Knack: Track Astral Form
Talent Knack: Astral Stealth
Talent Knack: Ambush Tactics
Talent Knack: Cleansing Chill
Talent Knack Crooked Charge
Talent Knack: Sure Mount
Talent Knack: Perfect Understanding
Talent Knack: Altitude Inclined Rank 5
Talent Knack: Iron Perseverance rank 7
Talent Knack: Iron Fortitude Rank 8

(currently not applicable)

Knowledge Skill: Creature Lore (1)
Knowledge Skill: Animal Lore (1)
Knowledge Skill: Alchemy and Potions (1)

Read/Write Language: 1 Dwarven
Speak Language: 2 Dwarven, Human

Artisan Skill: Woodcarving (1)
Artisan Skill: Stonecarving (2)

General Skill: Animal Handling (1)
General Skill: Swimming (1)
General Skill: Alchemy (4)
Alchemy Known Formulas: Small Light Crystal, Booster Potion, Kelix's Poultice

Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch(2), waterskin, large sack)
Artisan Tools ((Wood Carving))
Knife (1 forging)
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak)
Trail Rations (1 week)

Short Bow (1)
Short Bow Arrows (40)
Quiver (1)
Sling (1)
Short Sword (1) ()
Mace (1) (f)
Troll Sling 1 ()
Light Quartz Flight Dagger 1 ()
Battle Axe

Padded Leather Armor (1) (4 pa 0 ma 0 Init Pen)
Blood Pebble Armor 1 (5 PA, 3 MA -1 Ini Pen)
Buckler shield

Craftman Tool - Mapmaking
Thief Tools
Belt Pouch
Navigation Charts
Forge (Kept in Throal)
Pure Water Pot: casts purify water on any liquid placed within it. Spellcasting and Effect Step of 8/2d6.
Hooded Lantern with light crystal source 10 yard radius, hooked to belt, on/off command.
Climbing Kit
Upandal's Blessings
Healing Kit (3 uses)
Physician's Kit (1 uses)
Alchemist Shop

Common Magic Items:
1 Bedroll of Comfort
1 Bedroll of Comfort (troll sized)
4 Traveler's Mugs

Booster Potion (5)
Cure Disease Potion (2)
Halt Illness Potion (1)
Healing Potion (3)
Kelia’s Antidote (3)
Kelix’s Poultice (1)
Last Chance Salve (3)
Salve of Closure (0)

Elemental Kernals
1000 SP of Fire Kernals
500 SP of Orichalcum

Threads Tied:
Total Thread Tied:8 Path: 1 Items: 6 Animal Companions: 1

Shepherd's Strength
Tied to Rank: 7
Forged to Rank: 9
TIP Cost:18+10 Upgrade=28 TIPs
Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

Troll sling, made of a huge black stick with a red rope and pouch attached to it. The stick is covered in very crudely hacked runes.

Item History Rank 1: Yes
Research Rank 1: Yes
Item History Rank 3: Yes
Research Rank 3: Yes
Item History Rank 5: Yes
Research Rank 5:yes
Item History Rank 7: Yes
Research Rank 7: Yes, Deed Requirement completed

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn the sling's Name.
Shepard's Strength
Effect: Spikes become visible in the pouch. These spikes attach to the stones when getting ready to be flung. The weapon is Damage Step 5.

Thread Rank Two
: The wielder can use the troll sling as a quarterstaff and gains +1 to Attack tests with the weapon.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn from what type of animal's collar the pouch was made. (A very big dog named Morgan)
Effect: The weapon is Damage Step 6.

Thread Rank Four
: The troll sling has short range 2-38 yards and long range 39-75 yards.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn the fate of the animal whose collar is attached to the sling.
The dog Morgan gave its life to save the Shepherd and his herd from an attack of Storm Crows. The Shepherd fixed the collar to his staff to build the sling, and slew the Storm Crows when they returned
Effect: The wielder gains +2 to Damage tests with the sling if they successfully attacked the target in close combat within the past day. The wielder gains +2 to Damage tests with the quarterstaff if they successfully attacked the target in ranged combat within the past day.

Thread Rank Six
: The wielder gains +2 to their Strength Value.

Thread Rank Seven
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn where the animal met its fate.
Deed: The owner must travel to that location and build a suitable tribute to the animal.
Effect: The weapon is Damage Step 7 and the wielder gains +2 to Attack tests with the weapon.

Thread Rank Eight
: The wielder can spend an additional Karma Point on close combat Attack and Damage tests with the weapon if they successfully attacked the target in ranged combat within the past day. The wielder can spend an additional Karma Point on ranged combat Attack and Damage tests with the weapon if they successfully attacked the target in close combat within the past day.
Name: Peili (blood pebble armor)
Tied To Rank: 8
Forged to Rank13 (+10 PA, +3 MA)
TIP Cost:16+10=26
Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

Item History Rank 1 Learned?: Yes
Research Rank 1 Learned?: Yes
Item History Rank 3 Learned?: Yes
Research Ranks 3 Learned?: Yes
Item History Ranks 5 Learned?: Yes
Research Ranks 5 Learned?: Yes
Item History Rank 7 Learned?: Yes
Research Rank 7 Learned" Yes

Unevenly sized pebbles, all polished to a mirror shine.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn the armor’s Name.
Effect: The armor is Physical Armor 6.

Thread Rank Two
: The armor is Initiative Penalty 0.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn what killed the first owner.
Effect: The armor is Mystic Armor 4.

Thread Rank Four
: The wearer gains +1 rank to Stealthy Stride.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn where the first owner was from.
Effect: The armor is Mystic Armor 5.

Thread Rank Six
: The wearer gains +2 to their Perception Value.

Thread Rank Seven
: The owner must kill what killed the first owner.
Effect: The armor is Physical Armor 7 and Mystic Armor 6.

Thread Rank Eight
: As a Simple action for 1 Strain, the wearer gains +3 to an Attack test against a Surprised opponent and +3 to the associated Damage test.
Name: Traceless
Tied to Rank: 6
TIP Cost:16+10=26
Maximum Threads: 1
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

Item History Rank 1 Learned?: Yes
Research Rank 1 Learned?: Yes
Item History Rank 3 Learned?: Yes
Research Ranks 3 Learned?: Yes
Item History Ranks 5 Learned?: Yes
Research Ranks 5 Learned?: Yes
Item History Rank 7 Yes
Research Rank 7: No, Deed requirement

Maximum Threads: 1
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

This hooded cloak is completely non-descript, appearing as a drab green, brown, faded gray, or something in-between. Anyone forcing themselves to stare at it—trying to determine it’s true appearance—finds it a deeply unnerving experience. The cloak slithers and shifts, distracting them, almost taunting them to take their eyes away, but never moves. It comes with a plain clasp, but clings to the owner when a thread is attached. Sometimes it brushes against people as it moves by, startling them as though they didn’t realize the owner was there at all.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn the cloak’s Name.
Effect: The wearer gains +1 rank to Stealthy Stride.

Thread Rank Two
: The wearer gains +1 to their next Charisma-based test when they figuratively “ambush” someone, whether the target didn’t realize they were there or the subject catches them off guard. This can only be used once per target per day and the test cannot be intended to harm the target—take advantage of, but not actually harm.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn who created and enchanted the cloak.
Effect: The wearer gains +2 ranks to Stealthy Stride.

Thread Rank Four
: The wearer gains +2 for the Thread Rank Two effect.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the Name and type of spirit bound to the cloak. This must be more specific than “ally spirit” or “air elemental.”
Effect: The owner gains the Traceless ability. For 1 Strain as a Simple action, the owner makes a Stealthy Stride test and can move through areas without onlookers remembering their presence for up to rank minutes. The owner must avoid drawing attention and cannot be somewhere their presence would naturally draw attention (such as a bedroom or approaching someone under guard). Attempts to remember the owner when Traceless is used require a Willpower test against the owner’s Stealthy Stride result. If the owner does anything to draw attention, this ability immediately ends, though it is not retroactively ended (those previously affected do not suddenly remember). This ability lasts for Thread Rank minutes; observers’ memories of the owner during this time are not restored when the ability ends.

Thread Rank Six
: The wearer gains +3 ranks to Stealthy Stride.

Thread Rank Seven
: The owner must perform a task for the bound spirit.
Effect: The wearer gains +3 for the Thread Rank Two effect and for 1 Strain the wearer can have the interaction slip the target’s mind afterwards. A successful Willpower (10) test allows the target to remember if pressed, but it was simply forgettable.

Thread Rank Eight
: The wearer gains +4 ranks to Stealthy Stride. When the wearer uses Traceless, they appear as someone who belongs in the area but is beneath notice if their presence draws attention. Typically a servant, but could also include beggars of whoever the observer is not inclined to interact with in any way. If the wearer has violent intent, this effect immediately ends.

Name: Very Useful Gloves
Tied to Rank: 8
TIP Cost:16 Upgrade cost 10. Total cost 26
Maximum Threads: 1
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

Item History Rank 1 Learned?: Yes
Research Rank 1 Learned?: Yes
Item History Rank 3 Learned?: Yes
Research Ranks 3 Learned?: Yes
Item History Ranks 5 Learned?: Yes
Research Ranks 5 Learned?: Yes, Deed completed.
Item History Rank 6 Learned?:Yes
Research Rank 6 Learned?:Yes

Exceptionally comfortable, yet also sturdy gloves. They’re made from some dark exotic leather, well oiled a perfect fit. The kind of gloves that feel like a second skin and don’t reduce your dexterity, but impossibly still provide protection and are resistant to damage. These are the gloves people who work with their hands dream about, but know they don’t exist. Except they do exist and you are holding them. They show signs of wear, but aren’t in need of repair.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn the glove’s Name.
Effect: The wearer gains the Very Useful Gloves ability. As a Simple action for 1 Strain, the wearer can find whatever mundane tool they need to perform a given non-combat task, such as a snare to catch food, rope, etc. The wearer promptly loses the tool immediately after they’re done with the task (made the test), but it’s somewhere around here and will probably show up again. Very Useful Gloves can be used Thread Rank times per day and cannot produce tools required for alchemy, enchanting, whole labs and workshops, etc.

Thread Rank Two
: The tool found with Very Useful Gloves is really nice, you should really put this somewhere safe but it will be fine right here for now, and it gives a +2 bonus to the Action test with the tool.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn the type of leather the gloves are made from and where it came from.
Effect: The wearer can use Very Useful Gloves with a non-combat Action test that requires them to work with their hands, even if they don’t need a specific tool. These are really great gloves, why would you even want to take them off? You should feel them. Hey, feel with your eyes, okay? They still don’t help with alchemy, enchanting, or similar tasks.

Thread Rank Four
: The wearer can use Very Useful Gloves to conveniently find a suitable melee weapon nearby. Like all tools found with Very Useful Gloves, it gets misplaced when the encounter is over. Which seems dangerous. There could be children or windlings around. Might be a good idea to figure out where that got off to...

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn who made these gloves (probably so they can get a second pair).
Deed: The owner must offer the creator appropriate thanks and appreciation for the gloves.
Effect: The wearer can use Very Useful Gloves in combat, but the wearer must be using a tool in their hands and the affected Action test can only be using a tool. Most people call it a “weapon,” but most people don’t have these gloves and you know better.

Thread Rank Six
: The bonus provided by Very Useful Gloves is +3. Ever stared at your hands and started to forget what they looked like underneath your gloves? You could take them off and see, but that feels like an overrated experience. Best to keep the gloves on and never take them off. Ever.

Thread Rank Seven
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn the fate of the previous owner.
Effect: The wearer can feel through the gloves like an extension of their hands. Thoughts of removing them are of peeling your skin off—once just a metaphorical comparison. The bonus provided by Very Useful Gloves is +5.

Thread Rank Eight
: The wearer realizes a profound truth: as much as the gloves produce tools for them, they are a tool for the gloves. Without them, the gloves would never be able to touch and interact with the world. There’s comfort in knowing the gloves need them just as much as they need the gloves. You’re a very useful wearer. For 1 additional Strain, the wearer can use Very Useful Gloves on any Dexterity-based test.
Name: Stranger Boots
Tied to Rank: 8
TIP Cost:16+10 upgrade=26
Maximum Threads: 1
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

Item History Rank 1 Learned?: Yes
Research Rank 1 Learned?: Yes
Item History Rank 3 Learned?: Yes
Research Ranks 3 Learned?: Yes
Item History Ranks 5 Learned?: Yes
Research Ranks 5 Learned?: Yes
Item History Rank 7 yes
Research Rank 9yes Deed Complete

Finely crafted boots from some unknown leather. They were woven with True air and water, replicating the effects of huntsman’s boots (and by extension dry boots). However, the leather is really weird. It’s clearly leather, with a smooth texture in one direction and a slight bite as though scaled in the other. But it looks indistinguishable and someone touching it might swear the “directionality” was different moments ago. Nonetheless, the circular brass buckles are worn, well polished, and keep the knee-high—what color even are these? Is that brown, black, grey?—boots cinched to the wearer. The small teeth protruding from the soles give the wearer excellent traction.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn the boots’ Name.
Effect: The wearer travels overland as though they were mounted (45 miles a day instead of 25 miles a day). While the boots can leave tracks, they never make sense to a tracker and the Difficulty Number to track them is increased by +5.

Thread Rank Two
The wearer gains +1 rank to Safe Path. While the path is no more or less “dangerous” than the talent otherwise indicates, the elementals summoned tend to be much stranger and the paths offered can be significantly weirder. Traveling with the wearer can show the more surreal side of the world others may never see.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn what the leather and teeth to make the boots came from.
Effect: The wearer can use the Stranger Boots power. As a Simple action for 1 Strain, the teeth from the boots extend slightly and bite into the ground, giving the wearer a little more traction and allow them to feel the ground through the boots for thread rank minutes. The wearer’s Movement Rate increases by +4.

Thread Rank Four
: When the wearer uses the Stranger Boots power, they can use the following special maneuver:

Stranger Boots (Wearer, Tracking): By walking in the tracks the wearer is following, they can spend additional successes to ask one “what” or “how” about their quarry for each additional success. The tracks are gone and replaced only by the wearer’s tracks once walked in them in this fashion.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge
: The owner must learn who made the boots.
Effect: When the wearer uses the Stranger Boots power, they can see as though there are eyes in the boots’ buckles. This gives them +1 to Perception-based tests that rely on sight, +2 if it involves magical phenomena. Anyone looking closely at the boots swears there are eyes where the buckles are, but the wearer just doesn’t see it.

Thread Rank Six
: When the wearer uses the Stranger Boots power, their Movement Rate while using Stealthy Stride is not reduced and they can include Great Leap as part of their movement.

Thread Rank Seven
The owner must hunt whatever creature the teeth came from to acquire new teeth and replace any damaged teeth in the soles. May as well add some new teeth in there as well—more teeth is more better. Also, eat the eyes.
Effect: The wearer gains +1 rank to Tracking. The teeth and soles of the boots now naturally “eat” the wearer’s tracks, leaving behind only irregular, strange shapes which do not resemble tracks. The wearer is automatically obscuring their tracks using their Tracking Step as the Difficulty to follow them. This does not slow the wearer.

Thread Rank Eight
: The wearer gains +1 rank to Awareness. When the wearer uses Stranger Boots, they can see through the strange shapes that are now their “tracks” they left within the past day. The boots must be planted firmly on the ground to do this and it takes 1 minute to connect with a particular print.
Name: Haslam's Saddle
Tied to Rank: 6
TIP Cost:16
Haslam's Saddle

Maximum Threads: 2
Mystic Defense: 14
Legend Point Cost: Warden

This brown leather saddle is worn and weathered but well cared for. It is a saddle of the Throalic tradition, with high stirrups, full bars, but no horn. Weaving a Thread to the saddle allows it to fit whatever mount it is placed on. But only mounts. Not Namegivers. Stop asking. This is a very old trope. It says right on the label ‘Not for use on Namegivers’. It also says ‘Do not remove this label’.

Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the item’s Name.
Effect: The saddle provides +3 Physical Armor to the mount that wears it.

Thread Rank Two
The saddle provides the owner +1 rank of Riding while riding on the saddle.

Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn who made the saddle (Hermesh Dagunral)
Effect: The owner gains the Neither Rain nor Snow power. As part of their Karma Ritual, the owner may take 2 Blood Magic damage to protect their mount and themselves from inclement weather. Both rider and mount gain +3 to Action tests and Armor to resist the effects of heat or cold caused by weather. This includes supernatural weather like Death Rain. The protection lasts until sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first, and the Blood Magic damage can be healed when the duration ends.

Thread Rank Four
The saddle provides the owner +2 ranks of Riding while riding on the saddle.

Thread Rank Five
Key Knowledge:
The owner must learn the first rider and mount to use this saddle (Bell Haslam and Pork Eye)
Effect: While Neither Rain nor Snow is active, the mount gains +2 Great Leap and does not suffer impaired movement from natural ground effects (mud, rocks, undergrowth, etc).

Thread Rank Six
The saddle provides the owner +2 ranks of Mount Attack while riding on the saddle.

Thread Rank Seven
The owner must retrace the route of Bell Haslam’s most famous ride (From Throal to Jerris). This must be done by riding the route.
Effect: The saddle provides the owner with +3 Riding and +3 Mount Attack while riding on the saddle.

Thread Rank Eight
The saddle provides the owner +2 ranks of Lightning Charge while riding on the saddle.

Animal Companions:
Huttawa named Charlie. Tricks: Ride, Combat, Stay. Sworn Animal Companion. Animal Companion Durability (6), Enhance Animal Companion (+3)
Elephant Child Mask C3 Named Trym
Baby Griffin Named Holly

Brief Backstory:
My name is William Carver, and I am writing this for the archives. I was told to give a brief description of my life before I set out. I am a human and I follow the Scout Discipline. I have two older sisters and a younger brother. My family are woodworkers. I am currently the only one in our family to follow a Discipline. I was found and trained by the Dwarven Scout named Rorick Shalemace.

Re: William Carver Human Scout

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:44 pm
by ottdmk
Montaugh wrote:
Sun Jan 26, 2020 8:52 pm
Roll20 Name: Montaugh
Discord ID: Montaugh(#3578)
Character Name: William Carver
Race: Human

Lifetime Legend Total: 0
Unspent Legend: 0

Thread Item Points:

Silver: 5

Discipline: Scout
Circle: 1

Discipline Abilities

Free Talent: Navigation (1)

Half-Magic: A Scout may use
half-magic to recognize tracks and
trails left by different types of animals
and Namegivers, know about the plants
and creatures native to a region, even general
information on the different cultures
across Barsaive.

Dex: 15 (6)
Str: 13 (6)
Tou: 14 (6)
Per: 15 (6)
Wil: 13 (6)
Cha: 10 (5)

Karma Mod: 5
Karma Step: 4 (d6)
Karma Max: 5

Uncon: 33
Death: 40

PD: 9
PA: 4 (4 with padded Leather Armor)
MD: 9
MA: 2
SD: 6

Movement: 12
Carrying Capacity: 125
Wound Threshold: 9
Recovery tests per day: 3

[Discipline] Talents
First Circle Discipline Talent: Awareness (2)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Climbing (1)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Scout Weaving(0)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Tracking (1)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Wilderness Survival (2)

Talent Option:
First Circle Discipline Talent Option: Creature Analysis (2)

Other Talents
Racial Talent: Versatility (0)

Talent Knacks

(currently not applicable)

Knowledge Skill: Creature Lore (1)
Knowledge Skill: Animal Lore (1)
Knowledge Skill: Alchemy and Potions (1)

Read/Write Language: 1 Dwarven
Speak Language: 2 Dwarven, Human

Artisan Skill: Woodcarving (1)

General Skill: Animal Handling (1)
General Skill: Swimming (1)
General Skill: Disarm Trap (1)
General Skill: Missile Weapons (1)
General Skill: Alchemy (1)
Alchemy Known Formulas: Small Light Crystal, Booster Potion.
General Skill: Lockpicking (1)
General Skill: Craftsman - Map Making (1)

Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack)
Artisan Tools ((Wood Carving))
Traveler’s Garb (soft boots, shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak)
Trail Rations (1 week)

Short Bow (1)
Short Bow Arrows (20)
Quiver (1)
Sling (1)

Padded Leather Armor (1) (4 pa 0 ma 0 Init Pen)

Craftman Tool - Mapmaking

Threads Tied:

Animal Companions:

Brief Backstory:
My name is William Carver, and I am writing this for the archives. I was told to give a brief description of my life before I set out. I am a human and I follow the Scout Discipline. I have two older sisters and a younger brother. My family are woodworkers. I am currently the only one in our family to follow a Discipline. I was found and trained by the Dwarven Scout named Rorick Shalemace.

Re: William Carver Human Scout

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 9:09 pm
by Montaugh
Searching Survivors
LFG ... 549#p11541
AAR ... 549#p11549

TIPs: 3
Legend points: 200
Silver: 150
Items: None

Items used:
Torch, two silver.. I don't think I ever got them back. haha

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes, ... =10#p11560
Journal award: The Great Library of Throal thanks William Carver for their contributions. +10 Legend Points, +37.5 Silver.
Journal award link: ... =10#p11582
Activity: Just general shoping and rest. Nothing more specific at this time.

Legend Spent:
Raised [Tracking] to [2] ([200])

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
153 total silver
Theives' Picks and tools (100 silver)
53 Silver left
(2) Torches (1 Silver)
52 silver left
Buckler (5 Silver)
47 silver left
Short Sword (16 Silver)
31 silver left
(20) Shortbow Arrows (5 Silver)
26 silver remaining
Navigation Charts (15 Silver)
11 Sp remaining
Scabbard (5 silver)
6 sp remaining
Belt Pouch (.8 silver)
4.2 sp Total remaining
+ 37.5 silver journal award
Total 41.7 Silver
--edit adding in the journal reward..award.. bonus :D

Re: William Carver Human Scout

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:00 pm
by Montaugh
Tale of Three Brothers: The Hidden
Link to the LFG: ... 576#p11562
Link to the AAR of the mission: ... 576#p11604

TIPs: 5
Legend points: 300 (edit 315lp total)
Silver: 225

Items used:
3 days of Rations

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes. Link to Journal: ... =10#p11617 (Journal Reward: +15 Legend Points, +56.3 Silver Pieces)

Activity (Training to second Circle) -200 sp 1 week downtime
Activity Training Melee Weapons Skill -10sp 1 week downtime

Legend Spent:
Raised [Climbing] to [2] ([200lp])
Learned Talent Option Circle 2: Missile Weapons. Novice Talent Rank 1: ([100 LP])

Lost skilled rank in Missile weapons Gained 200 LP Towards skills
Learn Melee Weapon skill rank 1. (200LP) 1 week to learn x 10sp per week. 10 Silver and 1 week downtime.

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
41.7 sp at start of adventure
Warm Weather Clothing (bought at start adventure for 20 sp)
Earned 225sp for the adventure
246.7 sp
-200 sp for Training paid to Rorick Shalemace (npc dwarven scout that found and inducted William into the scout discipline)
-10 sp melee weapon skill training rank 1
36.7sp sp
-20 sp Mace
16.7 sp current sp
+56.3 sp Journal Reward
New Current SP: 73sp.
Edit-- Bought the mace for 20sp, Edit II adding in my Journal Bonuses before posting my new Entry to keep everything current.

Re: William Carver Human Scout

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:37 pm
by Montaugh
River Access
Link to LFG: ... 590#p11653
Link to AAR: ... 590#p11701

TIPs 3
Legend points 200
Silver 150
Items: None

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes, Link to Journal: ... =10#p11711 (Journal Reward)


Legend Spent:
Raised [Missile Weapons] to [2] ([200 lp])

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
73sp Starting
+150 silver gained for adventure
223 SP Current Silver

Re: William Carver Human Scout

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 4:47 am
by Montaugh
Waking T'Srang
LFG link: ... 593#p11679
AAR Link: ... 593#p11782

TIPs 3
Legend points 800
Silver 200

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes. Journal Link: ... =10#p11791 (Journal Reward)

Training in Forge Weapon 1 Week

Legend Spent:
Raised Versatility to 1: 100 LP
Raised Forge Weapon to 1: 200 LP
Raised Stealthy Stride to 1: 100 LP
Raised Missile Weapons to 3: 300 LP
Raised Scout Waving to to 1: 100 :P

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Before Adventure silver: 223
Gained +200 sliver from adventure
Current Total 423 silver.
Bought a Forge -100 Silver
323 Silver
Bought a Troll Sling -15 Silver
308 Current Silver total.
-300 Bought Blood Pebble Armor
8 silver current total

Journal Rewards:
Journal Reward: River Access: 10 LP, 37.5 Silver. ... =10#p11799
Journal Reward: Waking T'Srang: 40 LP 50 Silver. ... =10#p11800

+50LP Total LP is now 75LP
95.5 Current Total SP

-edit notes Edited to purchase blood pebble armor. Edit Two, Added in the Journal Rewards lines to the bottom of this post.

Re: William Carver Human Scout

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:58 pm
by Montaugh
Helping the Hunters
LFG: ... 812#p11772
AAR: ... 812#p11803

TIPs 3
Legend points: 800
Silver: 200
Items: None

Items used:
Nothing of note

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes/Link: ... 812#p11812

Forge Weapon 2 Step 8 (1st week): forging Troll Sling to Rank 1 Expires May, 17 2020
Forge Weapon 2 Step 8 (2nd week): Forging Troll Sling Rank 2 Expired: May, 17 2020

Legend Spent:
Raised Versatility: Rank 2: LP Cost 200
Raised Forge Weapon: Rank 2: LP cost 300 (500 total cost)
Raised Wilderness Survival: Rank 3: LP Cost 300 (800 total cost)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
95.5 Starting silver
+200 Silver
295.5 Silver Currently
Purchased: Huttawa 95 Silver
200.5 current silver
Purchased: Tack and Harness for Mount: 31.7 silver
168.8 current silver
-150 Pure Water Pot casts purify water on any liquid placed within it. Spellcasting and Effect Step of 8/2d6.
Current Silver: 18.8

-edit to fix a downtime forge mistake. Adjusted short sword 2 to forge troll sling to 2. Not other edits made.

Re: William Carver Human Scout

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:50 pm
by Montaugh
Name of the mission
Impromptu Expedition
LFG: ... 612#p11836
AAR: ... 612#p11845

TIPs 3
Legend points: 800
Silver: 200
Items: None

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes/ ... 856#p11856 (Journal Reward)

Learning Versatility: Animal Bond from Jael 1 week of downtime.
Forge Weapon: Short Sword 1.

Legend Spent:
Versatility Animal Bond: Rank 1: 200 LP
Awareness to 3: 300 LP
Tracking to 3: 300 LP
Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:

-- Edit adjuted forge weapon mace 2 to short sword 1 week 1.

Re: William Carver Human Scout

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 12:15 am
by Montaugh
Excalibur Overboard
LFG: ... 615#p11880
AAR: ... 615#p11903
TIPs 3
Legend points 800
Silver 200
Baby Elephant (elephant, Child Mask, C3)

Items used:
Any items your character used up during the mission

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes, ... 915#p11915 (Journal Reward)

Training to Circle 3 300 Silver.
Forge Weapon Short sword 2 1 Week Silver cost 0

Legend Spent:
Raised [Talent] to [Rank] ([Legend Cost])
Raised Climbing to Rank 3. Cost 300 LP
Raised Creature Analysis to Rank 3. Cost 300 LP
Raised Mystic Pursuit to Rank 1. Cost 100 LP
Raised Lock Picking Rank 1. Cost 100 LP

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Started 218.8 SP
+200 Adventure reward
418.8 sp
+50 Journal reward Helping the Hunters
468.8 Silver sp
-300 Training (put here for ease of tracking)
168.8 Current Silver Pieces.
--Edit-- +50 Silver Journal Reward
--Edit-- 218.8 Total Silver
--Edit-- +50 Silver Journal Reward
--Edit-- 268.8 Total Silver

Additional Rewards
Helping the Hunters Journal Reward +40 LP +50 Silver
--Edit-- Impromptu Expedition Journal Rewards +40 Legend, +50 Silver
--Edit-- Excalibur Overboard Journal Rewards +40 Legend, +50 Silver

Edit--- added in Journal Rewards for Imprompt adventure and Excalibur Overboard
Edit altered sling +2 to short sword +2.

Re: William Carver Human Scout

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:55 am
by Montaugh
Cloister of Silence
LFG ... 960#p11932
AAR ... 960#p11953

TIPs 3
Legend points 1400
Silver 275
Items: None

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
Yes, ... 960#p11960 (Journal Reward)

Learning Talent knack Mapmaking 2 days downtime
Forge Weapon 2 on mace 1 week downtime.

Legend Spent:
Legend Points to spend: 195+1400=1595

Raised Stealthy Stride to 2 (200 LP) 1395
Raised Missile Weapons to 4 (500) 895
Raised Mystic Pursuit to 2 (200) 695
Raised Mystic Pursuit to 3 (300) 395

Talent Knack Mapmaking (200 LP) 195LP 100 Silver

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Starting Silver: 268.8
Reward for adventure: 275
543.8 Silver
-100 Silver (talent knack training)
443.8 Total Silver.
+68.8 Journal Reward
512.6 total LP

Edit---70 Legend points and 68.8 silver.
Edit -- added in journal reward
Edit altered knife forging to mace 1.