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AAR [3M] Nailing the Undead (2022-04-16)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 12:32 am
by Aegharan
LFG: Impromptu Pickup

Nailing the Undead
Time: 2022-04-16@20:00 GMT
GM: Aeggy
Circle: 3
Difficulty: Medium

Player Rewards:
Caesar: 1400 lp, zero silver, 3 TIPs. Replace Kayapo a last chance salve.
Erúriel: 1,400 Legend, 275 silver, 3 TIPs. Alchemical supplies at half cost
Garren: 1,400 Legend, 275 silver, 3 TIPs. Alchemical supplies at half cost
Kayapo: 1,400 Legend, 275 silver, 3 TIPs. Alchemical supplies at half cost
Kresh'Ktor: 1,400 Legend, 275 silver, 3 TIPs. Alchemical supplies at half cost

Journal Rewards:
70 Legend, 68.75 siilver

GM Reward:

Downtime Actions Available:

Further Information:
A group of Namegivers tried their hands at ritual magic on humanoids nailed to trees. It is not certain if the crucified were undead before the ritual went wrong and turned everybody into undead.

Re: AAR [3M] Nailing the Undead (2022-04-16)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 12:39 am
by maxmcgloin
AAR Report Holder Garren 2nd Circle Illusionist

Re: AAR [3M] Nailing the Undead (2022-04-16)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 1:36 am
by Serespar
From the journal of Kayapo the Shaman
Around the New Year, 1430

I joined a group of adepts hired by some townsfolk concerned about rumors of undead wandering to the west; Eruriel the elven cavalier and her horse Bellerophon, a pair of human illusionists Named Caesar and Garren, and a t’skrang Swordmaster Named Kresh'Ktor. We had only vague descriptions of the area where those outside the cycle of life could be found, so we headed in that general direction to see what we could find.

For quite a while, all was quiet as we looked for any signs of the undead. We were walking along a meandering game trail in an otherwise tranquil area when we were ambushed by a large pack of wolves. While we were fighting them off, a pair of powerful alphas joined the fight. I was filled with great sorry at the waste of the pack’s attack on a group of well armed adepts, and can only speculate that the wolves normal prey had been driven away by the undead we were looking for. We had to slay several of the wolves before the remains of the pack fled to seek less dangerous prey.

After the fight, I tended to both my fallen brothers-in-fur as well as to the wounds the wolves teeth and claws had done to my companions. We told great tales of heroism and bravery under the stars that night after the fight, a true Hero’s Feast, welcoming the ancestor spirits, the spirits of the forest, and the spirits of the Great Beast Lords to join us in our song of celebration of having survived the ferocity of the wolf hunt.

I shared the tale of the Playful Ferret Spirit of the Laij, who had appeared to me during a vision quest deep in the jungle and taught me to summon his brethren. I imbued my companions with the Ferret Spirits who answered my call, and we danced around the fire, celebrating that we LIVED. It was a true celebration of LIFE for the living.

Later, we followed the signs of disturbance in the forest to a large clearing with a cluster of tall stones near the center. On the far side, four poor souls had been nailed to trees, yet still lived, moving pitifully. When we approached to render aid, we were horrified that the four were not long dead, but showing terrible wounds with the entrails streaming to the ground as they writhed in undeath.


We surrounded one of the four to end it’s misery. After helping it to be at peace in its second death, waves of undead began pouring out of a nearby cave. The fight was quite difficult, as the waves of undead kept coming, and coming. I called upon the Ferrets and the Leopards, the Fishing Cats and the Boars, and we eventually prevailed. Garren had climbed the circle of stones and I did my best to knock back the undead that climbed to try to feast upon him. Spells flew, while Eruriel and Kresh’Ktor took point in the fight. Ceaser fell to a terrible strike by one of the undead and I will never forget the look on his face as he collapsed, the undead chewing its way through his intestines and other organs. We dispatched the creature, and then I drew on my emergency healing supplies. We were fortunately able to bring Ceaser back before his spirit was lost, but I’m afraid that even with all my skills as a healer he will bear the scars of the creature’s claws and teeth on his belly for the rest of his days in this world. Poor Kresh’Ktor was almost done in, but managed to defeat the last of those outside the cycle of life with one final slash before collapsing in exhaustion.

After we caught our breath, we explored the cave and found that a group of humans had been attempting a magical ritual of unknown origin, one apparently intended to banish death. The ritual appeared like it might work on its face, but a closer look showed that it seemed to have been deliberately designed to backfire on those performing it, transforming them into undead and driving them mad from the wounds they received while being nailed to the living trees of the forest as part of the process. We can only assume the poor fools had their reasons for attempting such a thing, tho why they would have trusted a ritual so flawed is beyond me. My only thought is that a horror may have been involved, one who took great delight in the extra “spice” of knowing that its prey would be the cause of their own deaths, with the kick of knowing the foolish could have prevented their fate if they were not so vulnerable and ignorant.

We alerted the villagers upon our return about what had happened, in the hopes that next time the horror will find its prey more wary. I am just grateful for the healing supplies we packed, and that the healing supplies were able to make such a difference for Ceasar.

Re: AAR [3M] Nailing the Undead (2022-04-16)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 8:06 am
by maxmcgloin
Garren 2nd Circle Illusionist

Travelling back from the Cliff City of Syrtis, I chose to stick close to Eruriel the elven cavalier and her horse Bellerophon. Not for nothing but the world is a dangerous place and a guy could do worse than be in the company of such a hero as Eruriel. Spells are nice and all, but unless there is someone with a weapon to stand between you and the bad guys, things are going to get ugly fast. So sharing the road with Eruriel seemed like a cinch for a safe trip back home.

Well, that was until I tumbled to a rumour about some undead tormenting with a town a long the way. Of course, I had to open my fat mouth and spill it all to Eruriel. The hero that she is, the next thing I know we were packed off and headed off to save the day. Luckily for us, some others sucke.. I mean heroes had also heard the tale and had decided to help out the town folk.

But between you and me, we weren't exactly what you imagine when you think of adepts riding out to battle. There was Caesar, another human illusionist albeit of the 4th Circle, and a Wingling Shaman of the 4th Circle going by Kayapo and finally, there was a t’skrang Swordmaster with the handle Kresh'Ktor, and he was mighty green, not cause he was a t’skrang but because he was only 1st Circle and as we found out later had never been in a fight.

Well following the rumour of undead we sallied forth, as cavaliers like to say and fearlessly rode off to put a stop to the threat. Well, we hadn't gotten halfway when we were jumped by a pack of wolves. There had to be nearly a dozen of them, and they were huge. Things looked bad fast, but that Windling shaman sure had some tricks up his sleeves calling animal spirits that were infused with our own spirits ranting us preternatural speed. Caesar likewise relied on Monstrous Mantle to bolster the Caviler and her mount and the t’skrang Swordmaster. That along with my own meager magics, allowed us to defeat the beasts with minor injuries.

After we skinned the creatures and the Windling whipped up a fine stew which inspired us to tell stories of heroism late into the night. In my case, my tale was of Eruriel and Bellerophon's mad plunge into a swamp full of Lotus Crocodiles to save our wizard Zurgen from certain death. Of course, I had to throw in the tale of the two heroic hens who had given their lives to save another member of our company.

Well-fed and well-rested the next day we were in good spirits when we came across the horrific sight of four cadaver men, crucified in the forest. The undead horrors seemed helpless, but something felt wrong. So I scrambled up a protrusion of rock for both a better view of the cave mouth in the distance and for what I hoped would prove to be a place of safety. As the others began to dispatch the nailed up cadaver men, an army of cadaver men swarmed out of the cave.

Concealed from our foes, I attacked the horde of cadaver men with Ephemeral Bolts as the others formed a line/ Again the Windling filtered about calling on his spirits, again ferrets and leopards, but adding a boar as well. The battle quickly turned bloody as the creatures outnumbered us. Their claws, and fangs trying to satisfy their insatiable hunger with our flesh. One clambered up the rock and surprised me slashing me deeply and driving me off my feet. Eruriel, Bellerophon and the young T'srang were also badly wounded in the battle. But it was Caeser who was struck down and nearly slain.

The battle over, our bloodied bunch searched the cave and came upon what was clearly some sort of hidden workshop filled with scribblings describing a ritual to bring the living back from the dead, as well as a collection of alchemical concoctions to complete the task. But as was clear from the shambling cadavers, the horrific ritual didn't restore life but twisted it into the abomination of undeath.

But the scribblings and the results did get me thinking as to the nature of life and death and the thin line that served as an illusion to separate the two. But for now, I was grateful that Caeser had agreed to instruct him.

Re: AAR [3M] Nailing the Undead (2022-04-16)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 6:51 pm
by ChrisDDickey
From the journal of Caesar Bonaparte, Human Illusionist to the 4th circle. 

Word reached Throal that there was a village in need of assistance. There were reports from outlying areas of recent encounters with the undead. The village responded by moving their livestock away from that area, and temporarily abandoning their crops until somebody could be found to deal with the problem. My most recent theatrical role had run its course, and I was once again both at loose ends, and in need of funds so joined a group responding to the plea. My companions were Garren, a fellow Illusionist (of the 2nd circle), Kayapo the windling Shaman (who was perhaps the most experienced among us), Eruriel the elven cavalier mounted upon her horse Bellerophon, and Kresh'Ktor a newly initiated T'Skrang Swordmaster.

We visited the village and learned what we could there, and set forth upon unmarked trails towards the area where the incidents had been. We had not traveled far when we were set upon (in broad daylight) by a pack of 8 hungry wolves. We theorized that the wolves must have recently been driven from their usual hunting range by the undead, and were desperate. Working like a well oiled machine, we slew about half the pack, including one of the two pack leaders before the rest fled. We skinned the dead wolves and sold the skins in Throal. Several of us suffered very nasty bites, and so Kayapo prepared and cast a Hero's Feast in which we all told tales of our exploit's (or in the case of Kresh'Ktor, exploits performed by his clan). I told the tale of the very strange events of the expedition to Kaer Bamor in which we recovered those remarkable manuscripts. 

Early the next day we entered a small clearing that had some stones standing in the center. Looking around we spotted a cave entrance to the north, and on the far side of the clearing, 4 people had been nailed to trees by their wrists and feet! I had never heard of anything like it except in old tales of the cruelties of the Therian empire! Looking from across the clearing I could see movement, and thought that they were still alive. As we approached closer we could see that was less than half right, they were all 4 undead! Mindless cadaver men with half rotted flesh! We approached carefully and decided to put the 4 wretched things out of their misery (for despite their being undead, we could tell that they were still suffering from their impalements). 

Kresh'Ktor took the first blow, which enraged the cadaver man so much that he howled as he tore himself off the tree. This set the other three also franticly trying to free themselves so they could attack us. Worse yet, more, many, many more started to slowly pour out of the cave. In the end I think there were more than a dozen. The fight was long and brutal. I cast Monstrous Mantel on our fighters (which number included the horse Bellerophon, and then started casting True Ethereal Bolts. The fight lasted so long that even Monstrous Mantel spells that had an extra success that extended their duration, still needed to be renewed before the fight was won. Our lack of melee fighters was troubling, and one of our fighters was only first circle! In the end I found myself upon the front line, and knocked down with a mighty blow, and then knocked senseless in the last moments of the fight. I learned later that I had actually died and they had needed to use the parties one Last Chance Salve upon me. After I was revived, we cleaned up the battlefield, burned the corpses, etc. Then entered the cave.

We found, among other things, a large alchemical lab, and notes (written in Throalic) explaining what they were trying and what happened. There were apparently several alchemists and magicians among them who thought that they could revive the dead. However their experiments brought back, not life, but mere undeadness. The cadaver men nailed to the trees outside were the test subjects of their fowl rituals and potions. But the undead condition soon spread like a contagion among the researchers, their supporters, and families! The shambling zombies that came from the cave complex were not additional minions sacrificed for their master's vanity, but included the actual masters themselves! Fools the lot of them. 

On the way back to Throal, Garren asked me if I would train him in Illusion and allow him to copy some spells from my spellbook, which I happily agreed to.