AAR: [3H] To Catch a Zoak (2020-06-28@21:00 GMT)

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Joined:Wed May 27, 2020 2:11 am
Re: AAR: [3H] To Catch a Zoak (2020-06-28@21:00 GMT)

Post by LadyDragoon » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:39 pm

Greeting from your faraway child,

I hope this letter finds you during a wonderful and sunny day. I recently came back from another journey that led me to the depths of the Servos Jungle. I will have to say that this journey was much better than the last: physically and mentally. I have tried to put the last time I was in the jungle behind me and move forward to replace it with better memory’s and who is best to do that then joining in an adventure with my little friend Lashana, my other little friend Elsien, my other-other little friend Mazor and the wise one A’horangi.

We were asked to go into the jungle and help my other and other-other friend find a new pet. Something called a Zoak. From what I can tell they are bat-like creatures that are very intelligent. I don’t know about you but anything bat-like, lately to me, is not something I want to get to know. Last time I got even close to anything bat like I lost a very dear friend of mine.

Anyways, off we went to the jungle. Let me give you a little warning about the jungle. Once you get in there it is a good chance getting out is going to be a problem. You see the jungle is thick like Uncle Pear-a-noya. Hard to get anywhere or anything without feeling lost or fighting a losing battle. So here we are following what we think is the right direction when we come across these ape things. Upon seeing them they throw this metal dragon fruit at us. Of course, the only pleasant thing to do was to return it so my “Wise one” thought. Well, it seems that they through it at us on purpose. Kind of like throwing down the gauntlet and offering a challenge. Who was I to turn down a challenge and be so rude and not accept? After much “monkeying around” we heard a sound coming from another direction and outcomes this huge house size ape. Before we could get to fight he clears out his throat ready to let out I a huge roar but I was mistaken that was his roar. I thought if I could show dominance then he may back off. So I showed him what a real roar was all about. Well, at least I tried. Needless to say, when he was trying to clear his throat I had a chance to go behind him and help him with his congestion by pounding on his back in my usual way.

We took care of the other apes and made our way to an oasis. It was an amazing, quiet, and peaceful place. I sat beside the water and with much pressure from my little friend I put my feet in the water. As I put my feet into the water “Wise one” decided to take a swim. I will say even with her clothes off I still don’t know if it’s a her or him. I guess I will have to take “their” word for it.
Now there is only one problem I had with the peace and quiet. It was not as peaceful as I wanted it to be. Due to my little friend, LaShana, I was forced to take a bath. She can be very convincing.

Once we were all rested we set out the next day. We came across an area in the jungle with many spiderwebs and you know what they say about spiderwebs…. You got it … there are spiders. So what really upset me about this fight was that I just took a bath the day before and what do the spiders do… they spit at me. Like really gross spit. Not just once but 3 times. After helping my little friend out of the web I turned around to see that A’horang took the wrong time to find inner peace. He was just standing there. Later on I found out it was due to the poison that the spiders did to him. At lease, LaShana was easier to carry when she was poisoned. After squishing some spiders we went into the cave for my other & other-other little friends to find their pets.

This is where it gets weird. In order for Mazor and Elisen to get the attention of these animals, they did some sort of ritual. A’horang was kind enough to narrate what was happening. From what I was told is that they had to perform some sort of mating ritual? I didn’t know that you had to get to “know” your pet. Maybe it’s a thing on establishing dominance.

Well, that’s it for me today, I will write as soon as I can.

Forever learning new stuff,


Joined:Wed Nov 13, 2019 6:59 am

Re: AAR: [3H] To Catch a Zoak (2020-06-28@21:00 GMT)

Post by sigfriedmcwild » Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:33 pm

From the Songs of Dawn by Elisen of clan Adorjan, Haressa-tis aspirant

When Elisen rider in the silent wind was in need of a mount swift and sure
And the sages of knowledge of the jungle untamed
And the adepts joined for it was a worthy cause
And the adepts were ready to survey the jungle of metal and wood
And the adepts were Azurea of the shadow blades
And the adepts were LaShana of the stealthy ways
And the adepts were Mazor of the many pets
And the adepts were A'horangi of the wise mind and strong fist
And the adepts were eager to meet new friends

And the journey took them to Skyreader Island
Skyreader Island home to windlings
Skyreader Island on the Coil
The Coil river home of the t'skrang

And the journey took them to the Sevros
The Sevros home of beasts and mysteries
And the beasts were apes with metal in their veins
And the beasts threw fruit coated in metal
And the beasts wanted a fight

And the adepts gave them a fight
And the adepts prevailed against tearing claws
And the adepts prevailed against the ape lord

And the journey took them to a grove
A grove and a pool and a village
And the adepts met Aethryllia of the red wings
And Aethryllia told them where their quarry laired
And A'horangi enjoyed the pool
And Azurea was wary of baths

And the journey took them into giant webs
Webs of spiders as large as horses
Spiders with wood in their shells
Spiders hungry and preying

And the adepts stumbled in the trap
And A'horangi was to become lunch
And LaShana was to become dessert
And the adepts fought to be free
And the adepts endured poison
And the adepts prevailed

And the journey took them to a grotto
A grotto where the Zoaks nested
Zoaks proud as lions and fast as wind

And the adepts offered gifts
And Elisen danced with Jacint with wings of night
And Elisen found their companion
And Mazor danced with Moak
And LaShana danced with Ophelia

And the journey ended
And the adepts bonded with their new friends

And so Elisen joined the ranks of the Haressa-tis

Joined:Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:40 pm
Location:Virginia Beach, VA USA

Re: AAR: [3H] To Catch a Zoak (2020-06-28@21:00 GMT)

Post by Lashana » Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:00 pm

So another cool adventure where we went looking for awesome new animal friends. And I got to hang out with my bestie. I mean, well, she may really be kinda my only like REAL friend friend but hey, that doesn’t mean she isn’t my best friend. And I should know, I’m me right? Anywho, this animal friend flies, and so if I were to get one of my own, which they said might maybe could happen, I could have my very own mount. Not quite as cool as a pocket pony, cause how COOL would that be, but still flying around shooting arrows would be awesome.

As we were heading into the grove these giant apes with skin like the hulls of ships fell upon us. But Azurea, MY bestie, came in like a valkyrie and felled the biggest in like one swoop and it was awe inspiring. I am surprised the others didn't just flee in terror at her display of dominance. But they did fall quickly under the joint forces of our party.

As we continued on we came to a pool of gorgeous water. It was so pure and blue. A'horangi just plunged right in. He's a great swimmer. And I vehemently encourage Azurea to take a bath, this vehemence earns me a swift dunking with her. I then spent my time drying out lecturing my bestie on the dangers of windlings and full immersion of their in water.

While I'm still ensuring that my wings by taking a few tentative wing beats up and off of Azurea's shoulder I realize that we had wandered like INTO the spiders webs. I got stuck to it. It was like the harder I tried to get out of it the more it wrapped around me. But AGAIN, Azurea was there to rescue me. One day I'll be stronger and I'll rescue her back. She got me loose and we were attacking spiders from afar when one of them managed to sneak up on me and bit me. I kept shooting as long as I could but eventually my muscles locked up and I couldn't move. I was stuck, unable to move. That was scary. I was freaking out. Like screaming inside but no one could hear me. And then they just kept fighting the spiders. Which, I mean I understood, kind of. But still, I didn't wanna be stuck and weak. They got me loose and stuff but its not something I want to repeat any time soon. So I will have to work harder at being sneakier with my eyes open. I must have forgotten that.

A'horangi said he found it very restful, even kind of liked it. He's weird sometimes. But then.......then we came upon the Zoaks. They were in a HUGE tree. They were nestled up in the tree together. Like a flock of them. It was quite intimidating to think about all of them and to know that they are quite smart. But Elizen showed no fear, went in and just started swooping around it and offering food. Made me think we aren't that far apart. I'm nicer when you offer me food. And then there was some more flying and A'horangi was talking us through the whole process.

It was most helpful. Especially when it was my turn. I was prepared. Elizen motioned me over and another big one flew down. Rememebering the words of A'horangi and what I had seen Elizen do I puffed my chest up, well as big as it would go. And I offered up some food. And then I put on my bestest aerobatic display possible, especially for just having been paralyzed. But Ophelia agreed to follow us. And we are bonding.

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