AAR: [2] [M] The Slavers of Throal (2020-5-21) (19:00 GMT)

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Joined:Mon Dec 12, 2016 10:25 pm
Re: AAR: [2] [M] The Slavers of Throal (2020-5-21) (19:00 GMT)

Post by ottdmk » Fri May 22, 2020 5:57 pm

Darius Crawford writes:

So, I've never done this before, but I've been told the Great Library pays well to get accounts of things that happen, so here we go.

I happened to be in the market area when a man started yelling about how people were going missing, including his wife and child. He was all "Won't anybody do something?!?!?" So, along with a few others, I stepped forward. Got to meet Icarus, Mazor, and Dalyor. (An Air Sailor, a Beastmaster, and a Wizard, respectively.)

None of us could track (yet! Eventually!) so Mazor decided to invest in a bloodhound. Guess being good with animals comes in handy. So, off we went. First thing is, we run into some Orks blocking the road, challenging all who came past. We were anticipating a fight, but as it turns out, they were wanting a contest of skill... in axe throwing.

Sometimes the Passions seem to lob you an easy one, know what I mean? Naturally, I stepped forward. Best of three throws. Took the first round, tied on the second (that surprised me, it had been a pretty good throw on my part). On the third, destroyed him. One of those near-perfect throws, you know? (There are no perfect throws, but some come close.)

So, we continue on, after suggesting some names for the "club" the Orks were forming (the challenge was being used to find new members who could throw. I declined the offer to join up.) I suggested the Axe Gang; I have no idea what they'll go with.

Onwards we went, and got attacked by trojan. We fought them off, with one escaping and the other three rendered unconscious. Mazor wanted to tame them (Beastmasters, go figure!) So, we rested up while he tried and then off we went again.

We ended up spending the night on the trail and caught up to the culprits the next day. Harpies! Disturbing creatures. I saw an opportunity to put my bolas to good use. Made one throw, was sure it was going to wrap around perfect and ruin the harpy's day. Turns out it did, only, it was such a good shot I knocked the thing unconscious instead. Then, another bola to the second one finished off that fight. To be fair, both creatures had been worn down by my companions before I landed the finishing shot.

So, victims in hand, off we went back to Throal. On the way back, we were almost (almost, thank heavens) ambushed by lions. Thanks to some mighty blows by Mazor (and let me tell you, it's odd to say "mighty blow" in relation to a Windling) we defeated the lions easily. Easily! I think the Passions were smiling on us that day.

Soon after, we collected one of the trojan and took it back to Throal with us. We sold it so that the distraught husband wouldn't have to pay us quite so much as he'd promised. Now, off to beg some time in the forge. I've been wanting to make myself a hawk hatchet for a while now...

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