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Lasairfhíona Aul’ef, Human Swordmaster

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 6:26 pm
by SassMolasses
Roll20 Name: Jocelynne Gabel
Discord ID: #3013
Character Name: Lasairfhíona Aul’ef
Race: Human

Lifetime Legend Total: 0
Roll20 Name: Jocelynne Gabel
Discord ID: #3013
Character Name: Lasairfhíona Aul’ef
Race: Human

Lifetime Legend Total: 5400
Unspent Legend: 2500
Thread Item Points: 14
Silver: 744

Discipline: Swordmaster
Circle: 3
Discipline Abilities

Dex: 16
Str: 13
Tou: 14
Per: 13
Wil: 10
Cha: 14

Karma Mod: 5
Karma Step: d6
Karma Max: 5
Uncon: 35
Death: 42

PD: 9
PA: 5
MD: 8
MA: 2
SD: 8

Movement: 12
Carrying Capacity: 125
Wound Threshold: 9
Recovery tests per day: 3

[Discipline] Talents
Discipline Talent First Circle: Avoid Blow (4) (Step 10, d8+d6)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Maneuver (4) (Step 10, d8+d6)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Melee Weapons (5) (Step 11, 2d8)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Taunt (3)(Step 9, 2d6)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Weapon Weaving (3)
(Step 9, d8+d6)
Optional Talent First Circle: Name (Rank)

Other Talents
Racial Talent: Versatility (3)
Versatility Talent: Wood Skin (3) (Step 10, d12)

Knowledge Skill: Anatomy (1) (Step 7, d12)
Knowledge Skill: Botany (2) (Step 8, d12)

Read/Write Language: (2) (Dwarven, Human)
Speak Language: (1) (Dwarven)

Artisan Skill: Storytelling (2) (Step 8, 2d6)

General Skill: Awareness (1) (Step 7, d12)
General Skill: Climbing (1) (Step 7, d12)
General Skill: Conversation (2) (Step 8, 2d6)
General Skill: Navigation (1) (Step 7, d12)
General Skill: Sprint (1) (Step 7, d12)
General Skill: Wilderness Survival (1) (Step 7, d12)

Adventurer's Kit
Traveler's Garb
Trail Rations (1 week)
Knife (DS +1, Step 7 d12)
Long Spear (DS +5, Step 14 d10+d8)
Short Sword (DS +4, Step 10 2d8)
Hide Armor (PA +5)

Threads Tied:None

Animal Companions: Nothing I can't eat.

Brief Backstory:
For Lasairfhíona Aul’ef, life began twice, first when she was born under the mound and second when she stepped out from under it and saw to sun for the first time.

She grew up on the outskirts of Archmouth Kaer in what was referred to as the “Al District”, a place where many of the Al’urdu were born, raised, and then died in. It was a working class section of the city, made more interesting than the others with the familial sentiments the Al’urdu had towards each other and a passion for a the community. It was this sense of responsibility that made Lasairfhíona’s father, Aul’ef, want and then later become a healer for the community. She had lost her mother at a young age and so her father took a heavy hand in raising his young daughter in his ways. Through him, she learned basic anatomy and about various plants that grew in the Kaer. Being a peaceful man, he was vocal about never resorting to violence, not if anything could be done to prevent it.from a young age, Lasairfhíona loved her father, and would often follow him around the house like a second, albeit excitable, shadow. Aul’ef had great plans for her. Lasairfhíona was to be a healer that would one day ellipse him. He wanted her go on to do great things for many people in need. Yet, by fate or the lack there off, she would never become a healer and a great sorrow was to befall them.

Sometime in the night, when the candles of the Archmouth flicked like distant stars, there was a heavy pounding at the door of their home. This woke both of them up and Aul’ef was quick to rise to greet whoever was knocking. Lasairfhíona slowly woke up and, with curious intent of a 9 year old, followed him. She knew that if she was caught that her father would make her clean the house to near spotlessness; again. It was very odd for them to get visitors at this hour and she couldn't help but to eavesdrop. Slowly, she snuck down the stairs and to the door to her father's office. It was left open and she saw that her father was talking to a man that had been coming to her father's practice rather frequently, Berton. He was an older beggar who was prone to drinking, but he was also a great storyteller like many of the Al’urdu tribes people. He had been complaining about headaches for the past couple of weeks, yet now he was insistent that she could hear and feel something crawling inside his head. Aul’ef looked puzzled then worried. As a percussion, he asked Berton to retell the story “The seven swans of Eiru”. Berton refused, lashing out at Lasairfhíona’s father and becoming increasingly agitated. Her father backed away, saying that he could not help him unless he could prove that he wasn't horror afflicted. That was all that Berton needed to lose the last of his sanity and draw out a knife. Aul’ef tried to run, thinking that if he could lock the door behind him it might give him enough time to get Lasairfhíona and leave immediately, but Berton caught him and started to stab him in the back. He fell backwards, trying to protect himself from getting hurt anymore than he was. The action came too late and Lasairfhíona watched in terror as Berton started stabbing her father in the head. She felt hot tears stream down her face. There was a sinking feeling that she too would be killed like her father. Berton didn't finish until everything surface of the office was covered in a thick layer of blood and bits of flesh. Berton looked vindicated and happy with himself, as if finally getting some peace after a long day of work. She could remember him talking to himself, not exactly what it was about, but his body tone was alarming and eyes shifting from one spot to the next. As he wiped his blade with shaking hands, Lasairfhíona quickly hid in a dark corner of the entryway, pressing hard against the cold conor, hoping that he didn't find her as she muffled her quiet sobbing. Breton came, stopped to straighten himself in the entry away before shaking his head, clearly still pained from it, and leaving through the front door.

For the rest of the night, Lasairfhíona held herself in fetal position in the corner, afraid that Breton might come back. By the time morning came and two of the local guards had come to check on Aul’ef, the air was tainted with the smell of wet iron and bodily fluids. Both men were taken aback by the scene, let alone finding Aul’ef’s daughter alive in a catatonic state. Every effort to move her was met with with screams and scratches till they found a thick blanket to bound her in. She did not know it at the time, but she had survived a spree of killing that took the lives of 8 people who were either healers, innocent bystanders, and a herbalist in the Al’urdu district. Breton was ultimately found and killed by the the district's guards, but what he did would change Lasairfhíona and her community,earning himself a place besides the local boogeyman.

She had no other family in Archmouth and so it was up to the community to place her with another family. Muircheartach, who was a great friend to her father, took in Lasairfhíona to live with him and his wife, Elatha. He was very well respected in the community. Although he was not very wealthy or social, yet his work with the district guards was legendary. It was he that killed Breton and found the horror that plagued him the form of contaminated cave water. Elatha was a retired courtesan who retained most of her red haired beauty from her days in court. She had served as the mistress of a few of the most affluent families in Archmouth. At the height of her popularly and power, she left them all to be with Muircheartach. They loved each other dearly and had always wanted to start a family, but Elatha was unable to have children of her own.

Through Lasairfhíona, they were excited to have a surrogate daughter to call their own. Yet the young girl was scared having seen the brutal way her father was killed and didn't make it easy for them. She refused to come out of her room for the first month till being forced to by Muircheartach. Then came the hysteria and braking of things. Both guardians grew more concerned and were scared that she might be horror infected.

Slowly, she grew to love Elatha as a surrogate mother. From her, Lasairfhíona learned how to read people and how to make them sympathize with you. She taught her how to tell a good story, dance, and the importance of appearance. All of Elatha lessons that she had learned in life as a courtesan passed on to Lasairfhíona that would prove useful to her later.

Muircheartach had more difficulty connecting with her. She refused to see him other than an infringing on her father's memories. They were a always fighting the other, screaming about what essentially was the lack of understanding they had for one another. Then one day, they had fight so terrible that Muircheartach threatening to cast her out onto the street. Lasairfhíona, filled with rage and despair, choose to runaway instead when she was 11 years old.

She was gone for a week then returned again with cuts, bruises, a black eye, and her beautiful red hair missing. She was hungry and cold, having gotten into a fight and losing most of her possessions. Elatha, as kind as she was, welcomed her back with a warm embrace and a face slick with wet tears of relief. Later Muircheartach returned home. his reaction was less hospitable. Yet Elatha would not tolerate her home becoming a arena for the both of them to spar in. Since she obviously had a fire that need to be tamed, she told them that Muircheartach would spend time teaching Lasairfhíona how to use a spear and she would have to heed his request. Her beloved scoffed at her, saying that his surrogate daughter was too ignorant and stubborn to be taught how to use a spear properly. To this, Elatha tongue was so sharp and hot when it lashed out at him that he remained silent. With a force bow to each other, a deal was met and so started Lasairfhíona journey with a spear.

Every day, Muircheartach would wake her hours before he was to do his guards duties and try to break her in the early hours of the morning. The task he’d give her, from repeating the same move for hours to doing laps around the Al’urdu district was meant to make her pliable for the next lessons. Yet she persist in her own way, only heeding her guardian when at wits end. It was still tough for them to work with one another, but slowly the dynamic changed. There came a point where she enjoyed her studies. Muircheartach also started getting along better and things were much quieter around the house.

The memory of her father started to heal with time and skill. Muircheartach had become her teacher and she his student. They saw this as a compromise, for they still didn't feel like kin to another. It left a void in Lasairfhíona and, still to young to see the problem, made her yearn for something greater. At age 15, she decided to join the Al’urdu guard.

It was not uncommon for someone at that age to join, but she would be the youngest woman to do so. She went about studying hard, intent on impressing the captains of the guard with her skills as a spearmaiden and reading up on Archmouth Rules of Law.

The day came when they were to meet at the great hall, a common gathering place for the Al’urdu and their guards. Every year, the overseeing Kaer guards of Archmouth would send out a list of the number of people the Al’urdu could higher as guards annually. Even though the population was growing exponentially, the list of guarda on the cities payroll became smaller. Thus being a guard became more coveted, especially among those who are grown up admiring them for most of their lives. Lasairfhíona felt the stress of performing in front of an audience. They're only 6 spots available this year and 174 people had signed up for the tryouts. She had to be effortless, accurate, and most of all timely. There had already been many that had came before her and many that were waiting for when she finished. Lasairfhíona, graced by the knowledge skill bestowed upon her, manage to be conscripted. Both have her guardians cheered for her success and they waited patiently for the naming to begin, a ritual that indicates your greatest mentor. Elatha was content, though Muircheartach was confident that she would name him her greatest mentor. He hoped that the hard work they had done together would make Lasairfhíona realize that he cared for her. Had he known better he would have realized the truth as she named Aul’ef her greatest mentor. Thus she became Lasairfhíona Aul’ef and once more she betrayed Muircheartach, breaking his heart once more.

With a new job and income, Lasairfhíona moved out of her guardians care and back into her old home. They had never sold the house and since, if the owner was unavailable, homes fell to next of kin it was now hers. As much as Elatha protested her comings back, Lasairfhíona felt like it was apart of her healing process. It felt like walking through the threshold was walking back into a memory. Once settling in, she invited both her Guardians to join her from time to time. Only Elatha came, Muircheartach, having given up hope on her, had decided to leave her to her own devices. In return, Lasairfhíona refuse to speak to him. There was a little that Elatha could do this time to bring them together.Thus a new, more Insidious, rivalry started.

Although she had been conscripted on high marks, she had to work on the lower levels of the guards. She had suspicions that her surrogate father was behind it. Yet without any proof, that she was stuck behind the desk most of the time doing menial paperwork. Occasionally, Muircheartach would come by to check on her. He would never talk to her but rather give her a quick glance before being on his way. This only ignited her fury, she felt like she would be more useful on the streets rather than being behind a desk. Lasairfhíona would you the work, but she would also pick up the cases that the other Al’urdu guard didn't want to deal with or were overloaded with. She found that multitasking, though exhausting, suited her. With a couple of hard earned cases underneath her belt, she was able to get out from under Muircheartach thumb of influence. There came a time when she started taking his cases as well, intent on showing that his star among Al’urdu was failing. A rivalry started between them as they tried to perform the other. This all climaxed in a physical fight that almost got them both terminated. After that, they never saw each other and avoided each others presence.

There came a time when Lasairfhíona was 17 and Elatha became very sick. Unable to recover, she asked to see her surrogate daughter for one last time. Lasairfhíona was shocked to see how hollow her surrogate mother looked. She still retain the beautiful glimmer in her eyes, but the disease has taken almost everything and had made her bedridden. Muircheartach set next to his beloved, eyeing Lasairfhíona suspiciously yet not saying a word. This had been the first time she had been in the same room with him in almost a year. She could tell that he hadn’t gotten any sleep. Lasairfhíona guessed that Elatha had demanded him to remain silent for when she came over. With a frail hand, she held Lasairfhíona arm and encourage her to go on and do great things. Looking over at Muircheartach, she said that the two of them we're alike, equally stubborn yet full of a passionate fire. Elatha, in her wisdom, told them that grudges were not made to fit in graves. It maybe sometime, but eventually they would have to forgive each other and move on. Lasairfhíona stayed with her as long as she could, the Bittersweet truth about life ever dangling in the back of her mind. Eventually, she did leave, and it was during this absence that Elatha died.

A memorial of a humble nature was held for her. Lasairfhíona didn't want to say goodbye, it felt too soon to do such a thing. With tears she's told her that she'd see her again when her time came. Set ablaze, Lasairfhíona look to see Muircheartach outline close Elatha body. He appeared deeply into the flames and though she thought he was stoic she could see his eyes glistening with the flicker of the light. She wanted to go up and console him, but her pride will not let her. Standing in silence until the last Embers of the flame went out and her ashes were given to her loved ones.

A year past after the funeral and since then Muircheartach had retired from the Al’urdu Guards. Lasairfhíona had grown to be a vital part of the guards. Yet nothing could could prepare her for when Kaer Archmouth was cracked. From secondhand sources she learned that a group of adventurers had come to inform them that the world had changed and that the horrors for disappearing. With overpopulation becoming a real threat to the community, most of the denizens of Archmouth were happy to return to the surface. She cannot believe it herself and was at awe to know that the world above had not died in the shadows . Yet she chose to keep to her guard duties, muting her desire to investigate the world above.

Then one day letter came to her from Muircheartach, requesting that she meet up with him at the now open gate. He requested that she bring her Spear and her part of Elatha ashes. Lasairfhíona was hesitant. Believing that this was some kind of trick from the old man. She still felt shame for not comforting him when Elatha died. So she left her guard duties to meet up with him. She found him waiting for her with traveling gear for him and, surprisingly, for her. Before she could ask, he told her that it was Elatha last wish to visit the surface. Muircheartach was still better and would not forgive Lasairfhíona. She rebuked by saying that she would be more than happy to be rid of him once this was done. After an hour or so with bickering, the two left together though the gate for the first time.

There is no way to really describe the feeling of the warm sun touching your skin for the first time or feel a fresh and wild breeze jostle your hair. Both Lasairfhíona and Muircheartach we're taking aback by the situation. Many of the Al’urdu that have come before them dreamed about the situation where they could return home. Although this is not Eiru, their Homeland, it felt like the next best thing. This experience ultimately change Lasairfhíona and she felt like this was what she was looking for, a chance to be free.

For all their stubbornness, they both agree to scatter Elatha ashes in the most beautiful place they could find. Yet that was all that they could agree to. They spent much of their time arguing with one another, trying to undermine each other's ideas. As it became louder, they attracted unwanted attention.

As they walked path that hugged the Mountainside that rose above a forest, the two were ambushed by a group of seven bandits. Caught off guard, they sustained injury. Most of them went after Lasairfhíona, thinking that she was an easy target. But the two of them had trained most of their life as a Spearman and Spearmaiden respectively. As if no ill had ever happened between them, they automatically work together to push back the bandits. They killed four before the other three ran back into the woods below. The two were left to lick their wounds but it became apparent that one of the bandits had gotten a solid hit on Muircheartach leg. He played it off as a minor wound when Lasairfhíona asked about it, but she could tell that it was obviously painful for him. Against his will, she held him by the shoulder and although he was resistant to her aid he slowly began to lean on her.

It wasn't until they made camp that Lasairfhíona could inspect the injury. Fortunately, it wasn't deep and non life-threatening if kept clean. She spent much time that night picking up the right medicinal herbs and wrapping up the wound the best way she could. There was silence among them as she left him sitting down as she set up the rest of the came and lit a campfire. She sat a crossed from him, the fire between them. Upon gazing into it, they remember all the regrets and miss chances they had to connect with one another. Perhaps Elatha made this wishes so that, when the day came when the Kaer Archmouth open gates opened once more, that we would be more respective to one another.

Lasairfhíona was the first to break the silence. She apologized for not comforting him after the loss of his partner and ask that he forgive her. Muircheartach looked at her and with a nod of his head he forgave her. He told her that he was she wasn't so hot headed. For him this all started when she choose the last name of Aul’ef. They had work so hard together to train her to be a spearmaiden. Yet it felt like anything he tried to do ended up with her hating him even more. In the end, he asked for her to forgive him for trying to replace the memory of her father. Lasairfhíona was taken aback by this. It felt like the issue that they had been dancing around all this time had been found and plucked out of the situation. It was like a great relief washed over her and she began to cry, weeping that she did forgive him and she was sorry for not telling him that she did love him. That, among all their fights perils , all she ever wanted after coming to terms of her own father's death was to be loved and recognized by him. Muircheartach slowly got up and close the space between them. He held her she weeped into the crux of his arm as years of bottled-up emotions came spewing out.

After that night, they try to work with each other more. By chance, they had heard about a sacred wood in passing with a traveling merchant. The wood was known for a sea of trees that would produce red and gold flowers most of the year. Both of them agreed that this would be where they would lay Elatha ashes and implored the merchant to give them a destination. They set about going west, following the river until going up the mountain pass as instructed.

Their Journey took a week to complete, struggling with the harsh terrain and weather. Many things impeded them on the path, but Lasairfhíona and Muircheartach would push on. They learn to trust each other again and to rely on the other strength when in need. Once over the mountain pass, the saw what they had come for. The woods hug the mountain side and overlooked the river below and mountains above. Lasairfhíona had never seen a place more beautiful than this and walked gingerly though it as to not disturb it. They climbed a bit higher and found a cliff that overlooked the woods. Muircheartach took out his part of Elatha ashes. Lasairfhíona did the same and walked with him to the edge of the cliff. She looked over at him and asked if he knew any of the old versus, knowing that her surrogate mother loved Al’urdu stories. There was a purse as he thought about it, then everything came to him at once.

“Stillness becomes you, loving Elatha, child of Al’urdu, but it is not you. Your vibrant nature and sweet wisdom will be your essence of endurance. Lay now in a sea of flowers. Rest knowing that you have lived a life fulfilled. Let Al’urdu song guide you back to lonely Eiru; waiting for her people to come home. I’m not far behind, my beloved Elatha. I must finish my mortal coils to be with you. We will meet on the shore of the ocean, bonded and happily together once more.”

He and Lasairfhíona sowed her ashes to the wind. Carried away, Muircheartach began to weep. Lasairfhíona was taken aback by this, he had never cried like this in all the time she had known him. She knew that she needed to do something and so she let her bag go with the wind hugged him. He embraced her back. Their journey had come to an end and, just like Elatha hoped would happen, they had come together as a family once more.

After staying the night in the woods, the two descended the Mountainside. Within a few days, they were back on the main road southbound. It was then that Lasairfhíona told Muircheartach that she would not be going back to Kaer Archmouth, haven't made the choice to continue on the road after he departed it. She wasn't sure what his response was would be. Lasairfhíona was a 19 year old woman stating that she would travel on a road that could be dangerous, especially for a young woman. Yet Muircheartach, through saddened, decided to let her go her own way.

So, with the last fork in the road and a kind word, they embraced. Muircheartach let her take Lasairfhíona fate into her own hands, but would always give her a home in Archmouth if she ever returned. Lasairfhíona promised to live up to his expectations and gave him the key to her house.

Feeling light and wanting to leave before doubt set it, Lasairfhíona left Muircheartach and continued south, hooking up with a caravan bound for Throal. She wasn't sure what adventures she would go on, but knew that she would be free to become whoever she wanted to be.

Re: Lasairfhíona Aul’ef, Human Swordmaster

Posted: Wed May 23, 2018 8:38 pm
by ottdmk
Approved, pending discussion of backstory. :D

Archival character copy:
Roll20 Name: Jocelynne Gabel
Discord ID: #3013
Character Name: Lasairfhíona Aul’ef
Race: Human

Lifetime Legend Total: 0
Unspent Legend: 0
Thread Item Points: 0
Silver: 19

Discipline: Swordmaster
Circle: 1
Discipline Abilities

Dex: 16
Str: 13
Tou: 14
Per: 13
Wil: 10
Cha: 14

Karma Mod: 5
Karma Step: d6
Karma Max: 5
Uncon: 35
Death: 42

PD: 9
PA: 5
MD: 8
MA: 2
SD: 8

Movement: 12
Carrying Capacity: 125
Wound Threshold: 9
Recovery tests per day: 3

[Discipline] Talents
Discipline Talent First Circle: Avoid Blow (2) (Step 9, d8+d6)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Maneuver (1) (Step 8, 2d6)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Melee Weapons (3) (Step 10, 2d8)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Taunt (0)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Weapon Weaving (0)

Optional Talent First Circle: Name (Rank)

Other Talents
Racial Talent: Versatility (1)
Versatility Talent: Wood Skin (1) (Step 7, d12)

Knowledge Skill: Anatomy (1) (Step 7, d12)
Knowledge Skill: Botany (1) (Step 7, d12)

Read/Write Language: (2) (Dwarven, Human)
Speak Language: (1) (Dwarven)

Artisan Skill: Storytelling (2) (Step 8, 2d6)

General Skill: Awareness (1) (Step 7, d12)
General Skill: Climbing (1) (Step 7, d12)
General Skill: Conversation (2) (Step 8, 2d6)
General Skill: Navigation (1) (Step 7, d12)
General Skill: Sprint (1) (Step 7, d12)
General Skill: Wilderness Survival (1) (Step 7, d12)

Adventurer's Kit
Traveler's Garb
Trail Rations (1 week)
Knife (DS +1, Step 7 d12)
Long Spear (DS +5, Step 11 d10+d8)
Short Sword (DS +4, Step 10 2d8)
Hide Armor (PA +5)

Threads Tied:None

Animal Companions: Nothing I can't eat.

Brief Backstory: WIP (But it's super cool so trusted me please! DX)

Re: Lasairfhíona Aul’ef, Human Swordmaster

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 3:20 am
by SassMolasses
Quest: The Lonely Tower

2018-05-24@23:59 GMT

Fortesque (Whyr'wyndyl)



Player Rewards:
800 legend, 230 silver, 3 TIPs

Downtime Action:
Week 1, Blaethynn forge my spear with a +2 weapon (Thanks Blaethynn!).

Week 2, train all my talents up to Circle 2.

Legend Spent:
Maneuver (Circle 1 to Circle 2)- 200LP
Taunt (Circle 0 to Circle 2)-300LP
Weapon weaving (Circle 0 to Circle 2) -300LP

Silver Spent :
Spear forged-70sp

Final report

SP: 174
TIP: 3

Hooray for Circle two and harder poking!

Re: Lasairfhíona Aul’ef, Human Swordmaster

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:57 pm
by SassMolasses
Trade Route Sweat Work

Time: 2018-05-31, 23:00 GMT

GM: Aeggy

Circle: 3

Difficulty: Medium

Player Rewards: 1400 Legend, 370 Silver, 3 TIPs

Downtime Action:
Week 1, Blaethynn forge my spear with a +4 weapon (Thanks Blaethynn!).

Legend Spent:0

Silver Spent :
Spear forged-70sp

Final report

SP: 474
TIP: 6

Re: Lasairfhíona Aul’ef, Human Swordmaster

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 6:39 pm
by SassMolasses
Time: 2018-06-13@23:59 GMT
GM: Fortesque (Whyr'wyndyl)
Circle: 3
Difficulty: Hard
Rewards: 2000Legend, 555 sp, 4 TIP's,

Downtime Week 1:
Maneuver from circle 2 to 3 ( 300LP),Taunt from 2 circle to 3 ( 300LP)

Downtime Week 2:
Melee weapons from 3 circle to 4 (400LP)

Total Spent
Legend Spent:1000
Silver Spent:0
TIP Spent: 0

Final report
Legend Points:2400
Silver: 1029

Re: Lasairfhíona Aul’ef, Human Swordmaster

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:27 pm
by SassMolasses
Time: 2018-06-20@23:00 GMT
GM: Fortesque (Whyr'wyndyl)
Circle: 2
Difficulty: Hard

Legend points: 1200
Silver: 345
TIPs: 4

Downtime, week 1-
Talent-Avoid Blow (circle 2 to 3)- 300LP
Talent-Weapon weaving(Circle 2 to 3)-300LP
Skill-Knowledge Botany(Circle 1 to 2)-200SP( 2 week wait time til the next rank)

Downtime, Week 2-
Talent-Versatility Woodskin ( Circle 2 to 3)- 500LP
Skill-Navigation (Rank 1 to 2)-200sp( 2 week wait time til the next rank)
Skill-Awareness(Rank 1 to 2)-200sp( 2 week wait time til the next rank)

Legend spent-1100
Silver spent-600
TIPs spent-0

Final Total
Legend Points-2500

(Lasairfhiona is now rank three!)

Re: Lasairfhíona Aul’ef, Human Swordmaster

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:14 am
by SassMolasses
The Show must go on

Legend points-800
Items- none

Items used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
No, hell no.

Downtime Week 1:
Dexterity training (150sp)
Downtime Week 2:

Legend Spent:
Raised [Talent] to [Rank] ([Legend Cost])
Raised [Attribute] to [Value] ([Legend Cost])
Tied Rank [Rank] Thread to [Thread Item] ([Legend Cost])
Learned [Spell/Recipe/Talent Knack]

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:

Re: Lasairfhíona Aul’ef, Human Swordmaster

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:49 pm
by SassMolasses
Quest: Scavenger Hunt

Rewards: 4 TIPs, 2000 Legend, 555 Silver

Total before spending:
21 TIPs, 5300 Legend, 1299 silver.

Are you going to write a Journal? NO

Downtime Week 1:
Melee Weapons from Rank 4 to 5 ( 500 Legend). Maneuver from Rank 3 to 4 ( 400 Legend).

Downtime Week 2:
Avoid Blow from Rank 3 to 4 (400 Legend).
First impression from Rank 3 to 4 (400 Legend)

Legend Spent:

TIPs Spent:

Grand Bazaar purchases:

Final Total:
21 TIPs, 3600 Legend, 1299 Silver.