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Jik'escala, T'Skrang Swordswoman

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 5:55 am
by etherial
Roll20 username: etherial
Character Name: Jik'escala
Race: T'Skrang

Thread Item Points: 14
Lifetime Legend Total: 17640
Unspent: 240
100 Gold
122 Silver
53 Copper

Discipline: Swordmaster
Circle: 4
May Spend Karma on Interaction Tests

Dex: 19
Str: 10+3
Tou: 14
Per: 13
Wil: 10
Cha: 13

Karma Mod: 4
Karma Step: 4
Karma: 2+16
Uncon: 28+28-4=52
Death: 6+4+52=62

PD: 11+1+1+1 (Swordmaster, Buckler, Kegel's Sword)
PA: 8
MD: 8
MA: 2+2
SD: 8+1
Init: 8

Movement: 12
Carrying Capacity: 125
Recovery tests per day: 3
Wound Threshold: 9

Swordmaster Talents
First Circle Discipline Talent: Avoid Blow (4)
First Circle Optional Talent: Danger Sense (2)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Maneuver (5)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Melee Weapons (5)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Taunt (5)
First Circle Discipline Talent: Weapon Weaving (4)
Second Circle Discipline Talent: First Impression (1)
Second Circle Optional Talent: Tiger Spring (5)
Third Circle Optional Talent:
Third Circle Discipline Talent: Riposte (5)
Fourth Circle Discipline Talent: Heartening Laugh (1)
Fourth Circle Optional Talent: Wound Balance (3)

Talent Knacks
Claw Riposte
Tail Weapon

Artisan Skill: Dancing (2)
Knowledge Skill: Barsaive History (1)
Knowledge Skill: Creature Lore (1)
Knowledge Skill: Horror Lore (1)
Knowledge Skill: Legends and Heroes (1)
Speak Language Skill: Throalic, T'Skrang (2)
Read/Write Language Skill: Throalic (1)
General Skill: Navigation (2)
General Skill: Surprise Strike (3)

(Silver Cost, Weight, Name)
-- 14 Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack)
-- -- Bangles and Scarves
-- 01 Dagger
-- 03 Traveler’s Garb (shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak)
-- 08 Trail Rations (1 week)

25 04 Magic Broadsword
25 04 Broadsword
05 01 Scabbard
22 20 Padded Leather (Forged x6 10/5 for +4 PA, +2 MA)
05 03 Buckler
02 03 Cane
09 03 Hooded Lantern
15 02 Navigation Charts
.2 01 Whetstone
02 04 Water Skin
16 03 Short Sword (Tail Weapon, Forged x5 10/5)
05 01 Scabbard
15 03 Hand Axe

50 02 Booster Potion
50 02 Booster Potion
50 02 Booster Potion
50 02 Booster Potion
50 01 Kelix's Poultice
50 01 Kelix's Poultice

Blood Charms
Garlen Stone (4 points)

Threads Tied
Kegel's Sword (Rank 2 Journeyman) (Forged x4 10/5)

Brief Backstory:
Jik'escala remained in hibernation much longer than the rest of her Niall. Some worried she would never rise again, but plans for her funeral were canceled when she suddenly sprang to life clutching her sword. While she recovered her reflexes and her lightning wit, her strength has been much slower to recover and she has difficulty wielding her blade for a full fight. Never one to shy away from a challenge, she has left P'Tlomais for a life of adventure, sure that staring down certain death will aid her more than a high-protein diet ever could.

Re: Jik'escala, T'Skrang Swordswoman

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:40 pm
by etherial
Character at Creation
Roll20 username: etherial
Character Name: Jik'escala
Race: T'Skrang

Thread Item Points: 0
Lifetime Legend Total: 0
Unspent: 0
14 Silver
08 Copper

Discipline: Swordmaster
Circle: 1

Dex: 19
Str: 10
Tou: 14
Per: 13
Wil: 10
Cha: 13

Karma Mod: 4
Karma Step: 4
Karma: 4+2
Uncon: 35
Death: 42

PD: 11+1
PA: 4
MD: 8
MA: 2
SD: 8
Init: 8

Movement: 12
Carrying Capacity: 80
Recovery tests per day: 3
Wound Threshold: 9

Swordmaster Talents
Discipline Talent First Circle: Avoid Blow (0)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Maneuver (2)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Melee Weapons (3)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Taunt (3)
Discipline Talent First Circle: Weapon Weaving (0)

Optional Talent First Circle: Unarmed Combat (0)

Artisan Skill: Dancing (2)
Knowledge Skill: Barsaive History (1)
Knowledge Skill: Creature Lore (1)
Knowledge Skill: Horror Lore (1)
Knowledge Skill: Legends and Heroes (1)
Speak Language Skill: Throalic, T'Skrang (2)
Read/Write Language Skill: Throalic (1)
General Skill: Navigation (2)
General Skill: Surprise Strike (3)

-- 14 Adventurer’s Kit (backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack)
-- -- Bangles and Scarves
-- 01 Dagger
-- 03 Traveler’s Garb (shirt, belt, breeches, traveler’s cloak)
-- 08 Trail Rations (1 week)

25 04 Broadsword
22 20 Padded Leather
05 03 Buckler
05 01 Scabbard
02 03 Cane
09 03 Hooded Lantern
15 02 Navigation Charts
.2 01 Whetstone
02 04 Water Skin

Brief Backstory:
Jik'escala remained in hibernation much longer than the rest of her Niall. Some worried she would never rise again, but plans for her funeral were canceled when she suddenly sprang to life clutching her sword. While she recovered her reflexes and her lightning wit, her strength has been much slower to recover and she has difficulty wielding her blade for a full fight. Never one to shy away from a challenge, she has left P'Tlomais for a life of adventure, sure that staring down certain death will aid her more than a high-protein diet ever could.

Re: Jik'escala, T'Skrang Swordswoman

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:26 am
by etherial
What's in the box?

800 Legend
230 Silver
3 TIPs

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
40 Legend and 57 Silver

Downtime Week 1:
Circle 2 Training

Downtime Week 2:
Forge Armor

Legend Spent:
Raised Avoid Blow to 1 (100)
Raised Avoid Blow to 2 (200)
Raised First Impression to 1 (100)
Raised Unarmed Combat to 1 (100)
Raised Weapon Weaving to 1 (100)
Raised Weapon Weaving to 2 (200)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Circle 2 Training (200)
Forge Armor (50)
Short Sword (16)
Scabbard (5)

Re: Jik'escala, T'Skrang Swordswoman

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:26 am
by etherial
A walk in the woods

1200 Legend
195 Silver
Strength Training
Kelix's Poultice
4 TIPs

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
60 Legend and 86 Silver

Downtime Week 1:
Strength Training

Downtime Week 2:
Craft Booster Potion x2

Legend Spent:
Raised First Impression to 2 (200)
Raised Maneuver to 3 (300)
Raised Strength to 11 (800)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Alchemical Reagents (50)

Re: Jik'escala, T'Skrang Swordswoman

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:24 pm
by etherial
The Great Gats-bee

800 Legend
230 Silver
3 TIPs

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
40 Legend and 57 Silver

Downtime Week 1:
Forge Armor

Downtime Week 2:
Forge Armor

Downtime Week 3:
Forge Armor

Legend Spent:
Raised Avoid Blow to 3 (300)
Raised First Impression to 3 (300)
Raised Wound Balance to 1 (100)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Forge Armor (100)
Forge Armor (150)
Forge Armor (200)

Re: Jik'escala, T'Skrang Swordswoman

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:26 pm
by etherial
Trade Route Sweat Work
3 TIPs
1400 Legend
337.5 Silver
Alchemical Reagents (25 Silver)
Hand Axe

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
70 Legend and 92 Silver

Downtime Week 1:
Swordmaster Training

Downtime Week 2:
Alchemy (2 Booster Potions)

Legend Spent:
Raised Riposte to 1 (100)
Raised Riposte to 2 (200)
Raised Riposte to 3 (300)
Raised Riposte to 4 (500)
Raised Weapon Weaving to 3 (300)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Swordmaster Training (300)

Re: Jik'escala, T'Skrang Swordswoman

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:05 am
by etherial
A Matter of Diplomacy

3 TIPs
1400 Legend
370 Silver

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
70 Legend and 92 Silver

Downtime Week 1:
Strength Training

Downtime Week 2:
Forge Weapon (Blaethynn, Quickstrike)

Downtime Week 3:
Forge Weapon (Blaethynn, Quickstrike)

Legend Spent:
Raised Strength to 12 (1300)
Raised Unarmed Combat to 2 (200)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Strength Training (360)
Forge Weapon (25)
Forge Weapon (75)

Re: Jik'escala, T'Skrang Swordswoman

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:22 am
by etherial

4 TIPs
2000 Legend
430 Silver
Garlen Stone

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
100 Legend and 57 Silver

Downtime Week 1:
Alchemy (Blaethynn, Kelix's Poultice x2)

Downtime Week 2:
Forge Armor (Padded Leather)

Legend Spent:
Raised Maneuver to 4 (500)
Raised Melee Weapons to 4 (500)
Raised Taunt to 4 (500)
Raised Weapon Weaving to 4 (500)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Alchemical Reagents (50)
Forge Armor (250)

Re: Jik'escala, T'Skrang Swordswoman

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:09 am
by etherial
Plume's Dilemma

800 Legend
230 Silver
3 TIPs

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
40 Legend and 57 Silver

Downtime Week 1:
Swordmaster Training

Downtime Week 2:
Forge Weapon (Magic Sword)

Downtime Week 3:
Forge Weapon (Magic Sword)

Legend Spent:
Raised Avoid Blow to 4 (500)
Raised First Impression to 4 (500)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Thread Broadsword (16 TIPs)
Swordmaster Training (500)
Forge Weapon (50)
Forge Weapon (100)

Re: Jik'escala, T'Skrang Swordswoman

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:50 am
by etherial
Guess Who's coming to Dinner

4000 Legend
800 Silver
3 TIPs

Items Used:

Are you going to write a Journal?
200 Legend and 200 Silver

Downtime Week 1:
Forge Weapon (Quis'Tan, Magic Sword)
Item History (Quis'Tan, Magic Sword)

Downtime Week 2:
Strength Training
Item History (Quis'Tan, Magic Sword)

Legend Spent:
Raised Strength to 13 (2100)
Raised Danger Sense to 1 (100)
Raised Danger Sense to 2 (200)
Raised Heartening Laugh to 1 (100)
Raised Maneuver to 5 (800)
Raised Melee Weapons to 5 (800)

Purchases in the Grand Bazaar:
Item History (37)
Item History (112)
Strength Training (250)